Fans, who, us?

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All better but I wrote nmost of this when I was sick!!!!

Please comment, be critical but use constructive critisisim, please don't be mean.


I have entered Where Have you been... into watty awards so please vote!!!!


I looked at Abbey and Cassie and squealed with delight. We had five minutes until we landed and we had only just finished the makeup. I rushed into the main room and grabbed another cup of orange juice and then I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a spoon and put it under the chocolate fountain. YES, CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN.During our makeup session Lucy and the other air hostess/ makeup artists had told us all that we were welcome to the kitchen.

This plane is where we would be living for the next week or so because it was the only place the model agency had that we could all sleep in the same room. Which we all wanted to do. I ran into the room as the sound of the pilots voice came over the intercom. We were going to land. I sat opposite opposite Cassie and Abbie and looked at their makeup while I buckled up to preparefor the arrival in Melbourne.

All three of us had smokey eyes. Abbies went from a light purple to a dark purple to match her maxi dress. Cassie's went from a light blue to a dark blue also to match her dress and mine was a gold blended into a metallic red like a vibrant sunset. It looked like I had just come from the beach with my white driftwood dress and metallic eyes.

We all jumped when we hit the ground and the first thought that came through my head was.Melbourne, here we come, Abbie, Cassie and me. We are like the three muskateers running into an adventure. Little did I know that that is exactly were we were headed, a very big adventure.

The captain's voice told us that we can leave the plane but Lucy came running in and told us to wait a little bit. The girls and I looked at her confused and she pointed out the window. I almost screamed with terror. The biggest flock of teenagers I have ever seen were standing outside screaming and holding massive posters with pictures of me, Cassie and Abbie. " We aren't famous, Cassie pinch me." Cassie reached over and pinched me.

" Not at Sydney maybe but you guys are young hotties here and you will be stalked by the media the whole time you visit." Lucy looked at us like we were crazy. " H- how, when-n, wh- Who?" Cassie stuttered looking stunned. " You are on a lot of magazines and you guys have made the front cover of almost evry one. It is amazing you don't think of it as that big a deal. You have been massive since it was released on the internet that you were coming. As for Who, all of you. " She smiled at us and glanced back outside with a sigh. " How are we going to leave."

I followed her gaze and saw a a poster with the words written, Liza, Cassie, My life. I smiled and waved at all the people before realising that the windows were tinted. This was going to take a while to get used to. " I have called security, they will be here in half an hour, in the meantime, pig out on the food supplies, get emotionally prepared for the photoshoot and have fun." She winked at us then left to go to the staff room. I snuck in there before to see what it looks like and they caught me so I pretended the bell was not working. I felt stupid when she walked in and dang it but I just said that I must have pushed it wrong.

The staff room had lounges lining it and all the air hostess lounging around. There was a coffee machine in one corner. A massive mac computer in the other annd an Phone charger in the other one. There were nice lights on the ceiling and the room was a cream colour. I liked our area better because our area was spacious, comfy, fun, convenient and awesome all in one.

I was fine with staying so I went and grabbed more orange juice, put it on the table and went to the bathroom. I did my bussiness then I looked in the mirror. What a mess. I brushed my hair with a comb I found in the " Dillemma Kit" beside the sink and then I did my hair in a neat braid.

When I returned to the table I found no cup instead of my cup filled with orange juice. I turned towards a stiffled giggle and yanked open the door to the kitchen open and found Cassie slurping down MY ORANGE JUICE while in the other hand she contently ate strawberries dipped in chocolate. I frowned at her then grabbed the strawberries and ran into the main room to get more orange juice before Cassie turned that shocked smile upside down and chased me.

Just as I was drinking my glass, I heard giggling from inside the kitchen. Maybe Abbie had calmed the monster down. I walked towards kitchen, eager to get more chocolate coated strawberries. I opened the door and was pounced on by two very heavy yet skinny models. WTF? They giggled like crazy while I tried to push their fat bums of my poor stomach.

" What do you two eat." I wheezed out. They giggled and replied by whispering in my ear, " You don't want to know." They laughed then jumped off me before my frantic cries reached the mean co pilots ears. She came out before when she heard the fans screaming and she got really angry at us for making so much noise. When she realised who it really was she looked so embarrassed and she just said sorry and ran away.

I looked out of my window at the fans and I realised that I was exactly where I wanted to be. When I was a little girl I shared the dream of becoming a famous person just like everyone else. Only my dream was different. I wanted to be the worlds most popular model. I am almost there I thought as I looked out into the sea of people, there were girls and guys alike. Whoop Whoop if we are popular I am sure some hot guy will go out with us. I then realised that with my childhood dreams, I was not alone. Abbie and Cassie probably shared them with me.






Where have you been all my life Jai. ( Janoskians Love story.)Where stories live. Discover now