I'll miss you

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Jaden had to leave and go work on After Earth.I kissed him goodbye and he drove off in the car I wouldn't see him for 5 weeks and it killed me,but it can make me stronger and make me realize how much I actually love him.He was gone now and I was alone without anybody to hug,cuddle,kiss or have a good laugh with,but I have stuffed animals I can cuddle with not the same as Jaden,but they'll do.I went back to my house instead and went into my room then logged into Twitter to see Jaden's tweets.

Jaden's tweet,''I Miss You Already </3 Not Fair'' 

Jaden's other tweet,''Ugh Who Can I Laugh Or Joke With Now?"

I felt special after reading those tweets knowing They're about me and only me.

I tweeted,''Oh,He's So Sweet <3''

I tweeted,''Think Of Memories,Babe Then You'll Laugh That Cute Laugh'' I decided;I could surprise him by visting,but he won't know only the rest of the crew plus Moises and Mateo are with him,so it's good.

I texted Moi,''Hey Moi.Can you ask the director if I can visit Jaden?''

He replied,''yeah,but want me to tell Jaden?''

I replied,''thanks I hope he says yes and no don't tell Jaden''

He didn't reply,but I hope he really doesn't tell Jaden.I layed down in bed within ten mintues I got a text back from Moi.

Moi,''He said yes,but in about 3 weeks and don't worry Jaden won't find out because I made the director promise he won't tell Jaden''

I replied,''thank you so much for doing this.I'm glad Jaden won't know thanks (:''

Moises,''you're welcome anything for someone like you.He'll be shocked and amazing he won't shut-up about you,but I still listen to him''

I replied,''ah,that's nice,but I can't stop thinking about him either''

Moi,''When he talks about you;you seem amazing.I can't wait to meet you.He can't either;he has a hardtime getting his lines right''

I replied,''Aww really? I can't wait either.I hope;I can make him focus when I come over''

Moises,''yes really.I'll be wating,but you have to sort of not make it obvious,so I'll pick you up at the airport over here and then take you the hotel we're staying at?"

I replied back,''Yeah sure that sounds good and I wanna be over there already''

Moises,''Okay it's for sure,so now he'll never now and he wants you too alreadly''

I replied,''okay,but I have to go right now'' 

Moi,''see you in 3 weeks.'' 

I replied,''yes and bye.Text you later or probably videochat with you later'' 

Moises,''okay then (:'' I then set my phone down and walked outside of my room.I saw my dad on the floor collasped I didn't know what happended,but I screamed and screamed then ran over to the phone dialing 911 I told them what happended and they took him.I ran out to ambulance and just wanted to go with him.Jaden was gone and my dad could be gone forever.I got into the car and drove right behind the ambulance and they took him into the hospital and everything.I went into the room and they told me what happended.He had a heart attack and there's a 50% chance he could survive.My mom died a long time time ago,but in a carcrash it was me and my dad too,but it was a drunk driver.He hit the car and then we survived except for my mom.If I lost my dad I didn't know what I would do anymore because I would lose the two people I love.Jaden wasn't there with me to comfort me,but I had nobody there.I was scared and alone now my dad needs to survive.I need him in my life .I started to tear up in the room,but I had to go back home I was going to visit him tommorow.I kissed his cheek goodbye,held his hand and told him I loved him.I don't know if he can hear me or not,but it felt like he could.I got onto my laptop 

Jaden tweeted,''I Can't Right Now I Need To See Her Face'' 

I texted him''Hey babe just get on IChat then''

he replied,''okay'' I then got a video chat request from him and accepted it.I had dry tear marks on my eyes.

Jaden,''what happended? why were you crying?''

I said,''my dad he had a h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-he-he-he-he-heart-heart-heart-a-a-a-attack'' then tears streamed down my face.

He said,''stay strong (yn) that's what your mommy would want you to do.''

I told him about my mom and the fact that he called her mommy like she was his own mother made me smile.I wiped my tears and nodded yes.He told me;I looked like my mom sometimes,but she was beautiful and I wasn't.

Jaden Smith Love Story,New Girl In SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now