he's not upset?

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Your P.O.V

I woke-up and looked to the nightstand and saw orange juice and note. It must've been from Jaden, but he hated me. He probably put me into bed too, but why would he? I just don't get it, he was mad at me and hated me. I guess, I should be happy he still puts up with my bullshit. 

The note said,'' Good morning beautiful, I hope you have a great day today. You have to take a shower,brush your teeth and get ready then go to the water-park. The big one with the blue slides,3 swimming pools and the gates. You need to put on a bathing suit. I don't care which one you put on, but I would prefer it to be a bikini (;'' I smiled at the last part and just realized how lucky I am to even have Jaden not angry at me. I took a shower and did as the note said. I started to walk down to the water park. We were in Costa Rica still, but I smiled. 

I looked all over everywhere for Jaden until a person working there said,'' You must be (Y/N). You just sit down right here'' 

I walked over to the table and I thought Jaden was just going to come out, but he did come out and he was looked unf. I smiled at him, I just thought he would like say,'' I love you (YN)'' 

He didn't, he sang some of his songs and they were all dedicated to me, I felt special. 

He stopped and went down to the table, I sat at. A little girl about five years old came, she had green eyes,brown curly hair down to her back and perfect tan skin. She smiled when she saw Jaden then I said hi and Jaden turned around to see her.

She said to me,'' You're really pretty''

I said,'' You're beautiful.''

She said,'' Thanks''

Jaden piped in and said,'' Aww, you two are both beautiful''

She smiled and just put her face in her hands as if she were shy.

Jaden asked,'' Are you a big fan?''

She nodded her head and Jaden gave her a hug and she asked for a kiss and I thought he would be like,'' Uh, won't your dad kill me?'' he kissed her cheek and she had her parents take pictures of it then he signed her arm. He was so good with kids and I just love that about him too. I love everything about him. Jaden came back to me.

He whispered,'' I hope you wore a bikini, strapless one'' he winked and bit his lip

I whispered back,'' what if I wanted to go skinny dipping?'' I winked back and smirked

He whispered back,'' Your body is mine and I'm the only man that should see it'' 

I said,'' I really wanted to it seems fun''

He said,'' Yeah, it'll only be fun when I'm there''

I just put my head down and then I took off my top and shorts in front of everyone because I had on my bikini.

Jaden came closer to me,put his hands on my waist and whispered seductively,'' Damn, you know how to make a guy grab you and just do these things to you. You're irresistible''

I kissed his lips then we into the pool together and swam around. I smiled then we decided to go down the slide together and we left. I carried my shorts and shirt then Jaden just decided to strut his stuff. 

He decided to put me on his back and he started to squeeze my butt. 

I said,'' Babe, stop it''

He said,'' No, I will not stop it.''

I just put my head down and I started to glide my hands down his body which I knew would turn him on. He always got turned on when I would do that and he'd be like putty in my hands when I would trace circles,licked his abs or slowly traced his abs. I started to trace circles and he just froze and then I had to walk back to the hotel. He followed behind, but once we got inside our room. He pushed me against the wall and started to kiss me and glide his hands all over my body.

I put my hand on his chest stopping him and said,'' Jaden, we can't.''

He said,'' Why not?" and put his hands on my butt.

I said,'' I'm pregnant and I just don't want to''

He said,'' I can't even kiss you?''

I said,'' You can do that, but anything that leads to us winding up in the bed and naked won't happen. I can do some things, but not everything''

He said,'' Oh''

I knew he was hurt, I smiled at him and I kissed his lips. We were gonna go back to L.A tomorrow and I was going back with Jaden. Me and him wanted to take a plane without the crew with us because I need to talk to him about stuff, but I doubt they'd let us. 

Jaden Smith Love Story,New Girl In SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now