What's Wrong?

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Jaden got pissed at me for punching Stella,but he was kind of glad I finally punched her.

He looked at me and just said,''why here (yn)? why now? you couldn't wait after school''

I looked at him and just went,''really Jaden? she beat the shit out of me and almost took you away from me I suffered hell because of her;she made my life a living hell Jaden''

He just hugged me and said,''well after school you could've actually fought her''

I laughed and went,''Jaden stop being funny please''

 I saw Stella;she looked at me like,oh shit not messing with her again.I showed her who was boss and not to mess with me ever again I smiled and then Jaden put me on his back and then I pecked at his cheek a lot his skin felt smooth and nice he smiled while I pecked at his cheek then he took me to the school fountain and sat me down on the fountain then he kissed my lips and I kissed his back then it became more intense I wrapped my legs around his waist and then he wrapped his around my waist and bought me close to him then his tongue asked for entrance.I let him and we both tongue wrestled with each other then we heard clicks of the camera,he pulled away from me and looked back.It was paparazzi's snapping pictures of us kissing to be honest I got pissed at it,but Jaden seemed pissed off he had his fists clenched and his facial expression was scary.I got up and looked at him.

I said,''Jaden what's wrong?'' with sincerity in my voice and caution in my voice I worried about him.

He said,''(yn) everything is wrong I have to hide from people with my girlfriend because they take pictures,post them on the Internet,she gets hate and just stops seeing me because of the fucking paparazzi's'' he sounded sad and his voice cracked a tear went down his face.

I replied,''Jaden I won't do that;I promise you please Jaden don't be sad I don't want you to be sad.Please smile for me'' I then went over to him and hugged him tightly saying,''it'll be all right''

He replied,''no (yn) it won't because you will leave me even if you promise,promises can be broken and you'll break it don't lie to me''

I started to cry to and said,''no I-I-I-I won't leave you Jaden please believe me you don't trust me? Nobody does,but I thought you could trust me. I had tears streaming from my face and he looked at me then wiped his eyes

He said,''why do I always do this? I always mess up something good in my life and it hurts me this isn't fair at all.Why can't I keep you? Why am I messing up?'' I don't know why Jaden was being like this to me at all he's a perfect boyfriend and he's all I could ask for

I said,''Jaden stop it,stop it already.You are a perfect boyfriend you're not ruining anything,you just think the same thing will happen because it did in the past,but i'm not like the other girls I won't do that to you.I'll stay with you through thick and thin you will always keep me'' then I kissed him,but I woke-up and I saw Jaden.It was all a dream that never happened I was relieved,but I looked up at him;he looked back at me in awe

I waved and said,''hey Jaden'' with happiness in my voice

Jaden Smith Love Story,New Girl In SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now