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This is what putting in effort actually means. Putting in the effort is not texting you when it's convenient. It's not answering your messages as long as you're the one that texts first. It's not agreeing to hang out with you, but only if you're the one that makes the plans and finds a time that works for you both.

Effort is texting you during their lunch break, even though they only have a few minutes to spare. It's asking you if you're free days in advance so that you don't miss out on a moment together.

Effort is showing up at your house with pizza, even though you didn't ask them to order one. It's trying their hardest to make you smile so that you don't feel like the love is one-sided.

Sending a good morning text isn't enough; not if that's the only thing that they're doing. You shouldn't be happy to wake up to a text that claims they care about you when they never prove it. You shouldn't be happy to hear that they miss you if they don't actually do anything about it.

Words aren't enough. They should be taking action. They should be doing whatever they can to see you. Because effort is more than making promises. It's keeping promises.

If they care about you, they aren't going to let life get in the way. It doesn't matter how busy they are. They can make time for the things or people that or who matter. If they want you enough, then they will either find the time or make time.

But if they don't want you enough, if they are only semi-serious about you, then they will put in minimal effort to try to keep you around. They will continue saying that they miss you. They will say that they want to hang out, but will never set a date.

They will apologize for being so neglectful and promise that things are going to be different soon. They will string you along for as long as they can. That's why you need to walk away. Walk away, because being there for you half the time isn't enough. Walk away, because things are never going to change if you keep letting this slide. You shouldn't be stuck doing all of the work in a relationship. You deserve someone who wants to show up for you. You deserve someone who will love you just as much and maybe more. You deserve someone who will put in the effort for you. You deserve that much and more.

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