Easy Love

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Date someone who makes you feel safe.

Someone, you can tell your deepest secrets to and they won't judge you. Someone you trust not to give up on you when things get tough. Someone who's affection towards you never flickers whether things are going smoothly or when he's facing a crisis.

There's no animosity in his words when he talks to you, no sarcasm in his remarks, and no intentions to hurt you. He won't belittle you in your abilities. He won't insult your looks and body. He won't use you for his selfish purposes.

He strives to be the light of your life, the love in your heart, and the forever you believe in. He makes the effort when it comes to you.

Date someone you can trust handing your heart over to and who you know you can always count on. He knows you're who he's looking for and he's certain of his feelings for you. You are the only one he wants to know and the only girl in his heart.

He kisses your tears away tenderly and encourages you to pick yourself up and try again. He believes in you. He's there for you; when you're sad and when you're happy and when something's bothering you, you talk and you fix it. He heals the fragmented pieces of your heart by loving you with his whole heart.

Date someone who makes love easy and who doesn't make you feel that love is all about pain and heartache. He doesn't play mind games with you or deceive your feelings. He doesn't switch into a completely different person every time you see him, so much that you won't know which version of him is real. He makes you forget about all the insignificant things like who should text first and to refrain from appearing too interested.

Date someone who makes you believe that love isn't diluted, cheapened, and all that half-love drama that modern dating has us believing to be true. The kind of big love that is every bit as magical as you believe it to be. The best friend type of love when you know each other, as well as you, know yourself, maybe even more. The soul mate love when you find and choose each other to fall in love with and be together against all obstacles. The love that comes once in a lifetime.

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