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Emiko's P.O.V.

The billions of thoughts from evening still bothered me even as I was about to sleep.

Where could Nee-Chan be?
Is she alright?
Why hasn't she called me yet?

I tried convincing myself a million times that Hiyori was probably busy and exhausted, which was why she didn't switch on her phone earlier. I tried so hard to convice myself... Again and again... Yet, I still felt uneasy. I didn't want to think about it too much.. I wanted to believe that Hiyori was fine wherever she was and that someone would take care of her. 

I wanted to erase the negative thoughts from my mind...

Next Day...

I woke up, still feeling mentally exhausted from last night.

Still feeling uneasy about Hiyori, even though I tried to forget about her.

Yet, I shoved those thoughts away, and try to spend time with who I'm with now.

At the very least, I have people surrounding me. 

Well, I'm starving as hell. I wonder what Ayaka-nee-san has cooked for everybody.

After refreshing myself, I went to the kitchen to find everyone there already, patiently waiting for breakfast to be served.

"Good morning everyone!" I greeted my 'family' while grinning.

"Good morning!" they replied.

While eating, I was thinking on how I should approach Ayaka about Hiyori. I decided to talk to Ayaka alone after I ate my breakfast. I decided to be really honest and tell her what I wanted to do.

"Umm.. Hiyori hasn't been calling me. Can I go back to my house and check if everything's alright?" I asked Ayaka with puppy-dog eyes.

Ayaka hesitated for a little bit. She was fine with me visiting Hiyori, but she was worried about my safety. I told her that I would be fine and I'll be taking a taxi to her house. Even with that, she was still hesitant. I tried to convince her that I'll be going to my house and won't loiter around. After much thought, Ayaka gave in but decided to accompany me to our house.

I hope nothing's wrong with Hiyori.

A few hours later...

"Bye everyone. I'm leaving!" I shouted as I waved to my family.

"Please be okay Emiko." Ayano advised to me.

I nodded as I left the house. Still unsure if what I was doing was right.

I was thankful that we were able to find a taxi quickly. Although I'm used to living in Ayaka's house, that doesn't mean I forgot the address of my own home. We reached my home after some time. I tried knocking on the door first but no one answered. I kept knocking again until I realised that Hiyori went to stay with her best friend somewhere else. Ayaka wanted me to stop and  leave.

My feet were rooted to the ground. I had spend so much time travelling and getting to my own home; it was such a waste.

I would have given up, had I not noticed a glimmering object on the shoe cabinet. It was the key, surprisingly...

Why would Nee-Chan leave her key out in the open? Isn't it dangerous? Someone could have took the key and stole a lot of our items!

I placed the key onto the lock slowly and opened the door, to reveal a clean, bright, fresh house. Like as if it was a brand new home, furnished with everything. I scanned every single room, with memories of my childhood flooding in.

A brand new home.

A brand new home?

Hiyori wasn't here at all. I kept scanning each and every room, reminiscing on memories which suddenly flooded my mind.
I came across my room, with every furniture still being where is it even before I left. It was more cleaner and more tidier than usual. It felt nice to stand in the room, calming. I felt like I was at home like before.

 I stumbled upon Hiyori's room, quiet and empty.

Everything remained the same. Except for a journal that was placed neatly on the table. It was a bit unusual. Nobody would ever leave their journal behind. I opened the journal, shocked to finally know Hiyori's true thoughts.

All of her hidden emotions.

One of the recent entries talked about how she felt when I left with Ayaka.

"Why did Emiko want to go with Ayaka? Did she secretly hate me for what I did to her? Did I bully her too much? Made many sins? For whatever reason Emiko decided to go with Ayaka, my heart hurts. I miss Emiko. She made me feel less lonely at home. Even if she annoys me and I get angry at her, I still love her. Yet, why... why would she leave me... just like that. Without hesitation...
Do you even want to call it the good ol' days? You never even came back to see us.. let alone Mom..

My heart clenched and I felt really uneasy again.

Well, I couldn't say anything could I? I shouldn't be angry or whatsoever. I mean I did end up leaving her alone and it was my fault for leaving her. She might have a grudge against me.. and I wouldn't blame her.

Hiyori's not the type of person that'll open up. She'll tell them to Mom.. but that's about it. She'll never tell me unless it's really important. She likes to hide her emotions and tend to boss around a lot. But deep down, she is vulnerable and sensitive...

Yet... I wished Hiyori would tell me everything!

I am her sister! She could trust me with her problems! Everything..

She could have just told me about it.

Then again, it's her decision... so I can't blame her for it. What's done is done, and I should just accept it.

A few hours had already flew by, and Ayaka wanted us to go home. I was quite reluctant as I missed my old home.. Then again, I can't make Ayaka angry. She, at the very least, made time to accompany me to my house. I should at least just listen to her and leave the house.

Though I was still reluctant to.

So many things to process.. so many things to reminisce. It all felt overwhelming for me. Yet, I wanted answers to all of my questions. Though it seems, this trip just brought more questions than answers.

Where could Hiyori went to? Who accompanied her? Is she safe?

Howevwr, Ayaka was becoming more impatient.. I soon had no choice but to leave my home. After looking back at my house for one last time, I slowly close the door and soon left.

Would it be the last time I would visit my home?

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