A Real Dream?

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Emiko's P.O.V.

It had been quite some time since I locked myself in my room, reflecting and crying by myself. I felt imprisoned by my own mind and soul. I was stuck in this sadness and I couldn't bring myself to get out of it and move on.

I can't seem to convince myself to let go and just appreciate life as it is. I can't even see the world waiting for me outside of the door. I am always in my shell, waiting for someone to break so I can be free. Sigh...

I wish I could be with Hiyori again.... Things would have been the same and I wouldn't have spiraled into sadness.

'Would it?'

My thoughts were all disrupted when I heard a knock. I was expecting Tsubomi to be at the door, maybe she wanted to grab something.

But to my surprise, it wasn't Tsubomi.

It was Kousuke.

I gave him a huge smile and patted my bed to allow him to seat.

"Nee-chan, did something happen to you that you do not want to talk about it?"

I immediately shook my head. It's not like I didn't want to tell my problems.. But I'm afraid that people would be hurt by me.

"Nee-chan, Tsubomi, Shuuya and I have our own problems and a lot of people hated us. Nee-chan, your problems might be as bad as us too and you really need to tell us you know. We are all worried for you although you are older than us."

I had a sense of regret in my heart. Kousuke was right. I should tell my own family about my problems. It's the least I could do.

To build trust within my family.

Then again, would it change their view if fhey found out how I was?

"Ummm, Kousuke. You might think this is shocking but I am only 11 years old. I might be younger than you. But please don't tell Tsubomi and Shuuya yet."

Kousuke stared at me with a shock look as I admitted that I was only 11 years old. All of a sudden, he pulled me into a tight hug. After that, I looked at him with confused eyes but then he smiled.

"Nee-chan, there's nothing wrong with that. But I think you should tell the truth to all of us. Even if you feel afraid. There's nothing wrong with telling us what actually happened. You should tell everyone tomorrow."

I nodded my head slightly as I wasn't that prepared yet. He smiled and soon left my room. I lied on my bed and really contemplated on whether I should tell my feelings.

'Is it necessary? I mean it is important but it' s not like people would care'

With all of these troubles tiring me. I didn't take me long enough to fall into a deep sleep. I already dropped dead within a few minutes.

I woke up to find myself wearing beautiful clothes and everyone else was feeling very excited for something.

"Everyone, we're going shopping!" Ayaka shouted.

All of us were way too eccentric about it. It was just another ordinary family trip together.
I wore a light blue dress with some pink lines on it and a pair of grey pants together with grey socks and black shoes. We went into the car and Mr. Kenjirou drove us to Blossom Mall. We were chatting all the way from our house to the shopping mall.

We were just that excited!

But then,as we arrived at a parking lot, Mr. Kenjirou said that we have to walk since the parking lot was a distance away from the shopping mall. We groaned for a while since we dreaded walking but we had no choice. Either way, we're still gonna have to walk so there won't be any difference. All of us nodded and we got out of the car.

As we were walking, there was a traffic light that we had to cross. However, in the blink of an eye, a cat suddenly ran towards the traffic light. There was a big truck driving towards the cat and I quickly chased after it to save it. Upon doing so, I had forgotten about my safety as the green light for the pedestrian crossing was not on. I was careless and did not pay attention to surroundings.

Until, a truck hit me with full impact. I blacked out from there and everyone stared and my family started to screamed my name. But something unusual happened. A black snake started to eat me with no signs of bulge.

I was immediately sent to the hospital to check on my body but then I suddenly woke up......

End of Dream
I immediately woke up from the dream. Beads of cold sweat started to flow all around. My heart was beating so quickly, it felt that it was gonna come out any moment. I scanned my surroundings and found that everything was okay.

Same ol' bed.
Same ol' phone.

Everything was pretty much the same. I noticed Tsubomi sleeping soundly as I checked the clock. It stated 3 a.m. I had a hard time falling back asleep so I decided to play my laptop for a while before going to sleep. I quickly and quietly grabbed my laptop from the study table, switched it on, ensuring that the brightness was super low, and started browsing through different websites. Around 4.30a.m.,when my eyes started to feel droopy again, I stopped playing with laptop and went back to sleep.......

I soon remembered of my dream. The dream that felt so vivid. It felt that I was there right went it happened and I was the one being hit by the truck.

A cold shiver went down my spine as I fell asleep.

I pray that my dream will never come true.....


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