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Emiko's P.O.V.

Why did this happen?

Why didn't I talk to her?

Why couldn't I talk to her?



I couldn't believe what had happened to me. My sister, Hiyori had passed away without any clue. Even what the police told Ayaka was fishy, how she just mysteriously disappeared. Oh, the feeling of regret in my heart... It has taken over my other emotions... I have been in the room the entire day... No one seemed to come in. Maybe they wanted me to rest and accept it first. To distract myself from everything, I decided to grab my laptop and play with it for a while before eating...


Finally, after a few hours of playing, I decided to eat. I went out of my room and grabbed something to eat. Kido was the only one in the kitchen... She didn't say anything yet... Until...

"Hi Tsubomi-chan! How are you doing?" I asked.

Tsubomi didn't reply me. It could be because she was worried that I was depressed. Our lives were beginning to feel very quiet... No one was talking to each other... It was all too quiet. It kind of reminded me of my own family...

I didn't know how to ease the awkward silence. So I just did my own thing, ignoring Tsubomi. I really needed a time out yet I was desperate for attention. I really wanted someone to comfort me, hug me, telling me everything was going to be okay. Yet, I can't bring myself to say it. It felt as though I was a burden to everyone.

My mind's conflicted with so many thoughts... it's overwhelming for me.

How do I save myself?

How do I save everyone?

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