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I walked to the store after school humming along to the song playing through my earphones when somebody comes up and wraps their arms around my waist.

I push them off confused and turned around.


I rolled my eyes turning around and walking away.

"Erica please let me explain"

"I don't want you too...I got all I need to know that you're a horrible friend and I will never talk to you again"

"Erica please...I didn't mean for it to come out like that...he took it as something it wasn't and I'm sorry...please Babygirl"

"no Nate...I'm not accepting your apology...for you to fuck up some more?...hell no" I shook my head

"Please Erica I won't...please" he begged running infront of me holding my hands.

"Get off me " I said serious

"Please forgive me...and be my bestfriend again" he said pulling me closer wrapping his arms around my neck

I looked up at him annoyed.

I pushed him away groaning.

"Text me at 8...that's when my dad leaves"

"Can I come over?" He smirked

" no "

"Awwe why not?"

"The neighbors are all cool with my dad and will tell on me without hesitation"

"So if they weren't...I could?"

"Still no"

"Babygirllll" he whined

"Stawwp calling me that?"

"Why?...you know I like you girl" he said getting closer

"Oh shut up you like every girl that walks the planet!" I exclaimed pushing his chest

"No true...I like sex with those girls...I like talking to you...differences"

"Oh so you wouldn't want to have sex with me?" I jokingly asked walking around him

I'm a virgin...

"If you wanted...I know you're...not as fast as these other girls if you know what I mean" he said walking next to me

"how the hell do you know that?!" I looked up at him wide eyed

"I've known you for 4 years...you're the quietest girl I know...you've never had a boyfriend...so other than...rape which I hope never happened or happens to you...you've never had sex before" he said sticking his hands in his hoodie pockets

"Wow...well you're right...it's embarrassing I know"

"Actually...I think it's kinda cute...almost every girl in our school lost their virginty...and you managed to keep it and still be an adorable princess"

"You think I'm adorable?"I asked

"Ofcourse..." He said leaning over kissing my forehead

I smiled slightly blushing.

Nate's a sweet guy...he just does stupid shit...

"And by the way...I don't approve of these jeans...I don't want guys looking at my baby's butt"

"But I'm not your baby..." I giggled at his offended face

"You're my baby...you will be" he winked smiling cutely

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