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So...today's nates birthday...

My baby turns 18...

I got up early and quickly made him breakfast because I don't want us to be late for school. I held his plate and juice in my hand and walked into my room. As soon as I walked in he rolled over and looked at me before a huge grin spread across his tired face.

"Good morning daddy" I said putting his food down and pecking his lips

He smiled sitting up

"is that for me?" He asked swinging his legs over the side of the bed

"Mhmm" I hummed handing the plate to him

He smiled as he ate moaning at the taste.

"This is amazing...thank you baby"

"No problem...happy birthday" I smiled

He smiled back pecking my lips

I turned around as he ate and looked for something to wear.

"Can you find my black sweater"

"Which one?" I asked looking back

"The one that says dope" he said

I nodded walking in the closet.

Nate wanted to match so he begged me to wear the other dope sweatshirt he has and its huge on me so I wore it as a dress with my fishnet tights and timbs because he wore timbs.

"Damn mami" he smirked biting his lip

I rolled my eyes smirking

"Happy birthday baby" I said climbing on his lap straddling him.

"We're gonna be late" I said

"You're on me cutie"

"You're right" I said grabbing my phone and getting off him turning around.

He smacked my butt heard making me squeal loudly.

"Naaaate" I whined pouting

"I'm sorry..." He laughed kissing my cheek

"Did you wake up your sister?"

"Shit I forgot" he said wide eyed

"I know you did...I woke her up" I rolled my eyes

"Oh...thank you baby" he smiled kissing me

I smiled back just as his little sister came out.

"Happy birthday ugly!" She said

"Fight me!" He said

"that is so disrespectful I said happy birthday and you're gonna tell me to fight you...E can you hit him for me"

He grabbed my arms and held them before I could do anything making her roll her eyes and walk back down the hall.

"Cmon girl!"

"I know you wanna skip baby...b...but I can't keep missing classes...for us to fuck...like its amazing...really good...b...but I wanna get into college you know...my life goals are still important to me..."

"Aren't I important to you?...it's my birthday"

I sighed laying my head back on the lockers.

Right now i asked to go to the bathroom and he happened to be in the hall...

"You are...you mean the world to me...and I know it's your birthday but...I promise...after school we can do whatever you want...ill do whatever you want me to do...unless I'm really uncomfortable because I know what's on your mind...no I'm not sucking you off"

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