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- 4 months later-

I walked up to my locker unfazed by the looks I've still been getting since 4 months ago....

I opened my locker taking my jacket out and slipping it on.

"Damn ma" Nate's voice said behind me wrapping his arms around me

I smiled turning around.

" You ready to go?"

"Do we need to get a new place I love staying with Derek he cooks" I giggled

"Yea but I see how he looks at you...he has feelings and I don't like it at all" he whispered

"Your jealous...it was one kiss and I don't like him like that...you're my one...and only...daddy" I whispered kissing on his neck leaving a hickey.

He slapped my butt making me squeal giggling

"Cmon beautiful...lets go " he said intertwining our hands and grabbing my bag.

I kissed his cheek smiling.

"I likey" I said looking out the glass window

"The beautiful girl likes it...maybe it's the move" the guy showing us said @

I Grabbed Nate's hand knowing he was gonna pop off and smiled.@

"I don't like it" he said straight face @

"Really?" I asked crossing my arms

"Yea...lets go" he said walking away

"Nate get back over here!" I whisper yelled grabbing his arm

"You need to chill...I'm your girlfriend so what if he compliments me or flirts...I don't want him...I want you...only you" I said caressing his cheek

He sighed kissing me.

"I luh you" I said wrapping my arms around his neck

"I love you more" he smiled squeezing my butt

I smiled back pecking his lips and pulling away.

The guy came out the bedroom soon after putting his phone away.

"So...what's your decision?"

"We'll take
I laid on my chest looking at Nate's phone.

"You have nothing up here...ugh I was hoping to hit you"

"Wow...I'm loyal now boo...don't mess with me" he said snapping his fingers

I giggled pecking his lips.

"You my princess Ight I ain't hurting you no more!"

"I know" I smiled laying on his lap

He ran his hands through my hair as I grabbed my phone out his hand.

"I wasn't done" he whined rubbing my belly

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