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I sat beside Joe in the back of the car, Jack sat in the front beside the Uber driver. We were on our way back to London and hopefully we would arrive there soon because I didn't know how to feel about the new found information of the tour. I had been quiet most of the car journey, occasionally answering either Joe or Jack, this earned confused looks from both boys which I chose to ignore. It was nearly eleven o'clock and the sky was dark, but it sparkled slightly with stars. I kept my gaze focused out the window rather than on the boys. I sighed in relief once we pulled onto the street where Jack's apartment was, but for some reason I felt as if I didn't want to go inside. In fact, I wanted to go home to my apartment.

Jack and I got out after I hugged Joe goodbye, I followed behind Jack into the building without saying anything.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked as he glanced back at me while entering the elevator.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I muttered as the elevator doors shut.

Jack's eyes burned into the side of my head while I stared straight ahead, I watched as the light on the floor numbers went up until it stopped and the doors opened. Jack stepped out first, he walked down the hallway towards his door. I watched silently as he dug his keys out of his pocket and opened the door, I trailed behind him and closed the door gently behind me. Jack stood in front of me with his back to me.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were going on tour?" I questioned, Jack sighed and turned to face me.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about, George said it tonight that you two were going on tour." I replied, my anger was starting to bubble.

"It's a freshers tour around a few colleges, that's all." Jack explained.

"Why didn't you tell me though? Why did I have to find out while you were performing?"

"I was going to tell you, it slipped my mind with all the nerves." Jack responded.

"This isn't the first time, why don't you tell me things? First with completely shutting me out and now you don't tell me about you going on tour." I raised my voice slightly.

"Calm down, it's not like you're an open book with me either." Jack shot back.

My eyes teared up a bit, I knew it wouldn't be long before I'd start crying and I hated when people saw me cry.

"That is not fair! You know that I find it hard to open up because of my anxiety!" I fired in reply.

"Well maybe I find it hard too, it's not always about you too you know." Jack snapped, the tears had already started falling and Jack clenched his fists.

"You know I only ever think about you and your feelings but you just reject me." I barked as I angrily brushed the tears from my face.

"You know what? I can't do this right now." Jack sighed as he paced back and forward.

"Oh really? See you're doing it again, it's always the same with you." I pointed out, I could feel the mascara running down my cheeks at this point.

"Don't you dare say that, all I do is fucking help you and all you ever do is whine, cry or complain so don't start with that shit." Jack spat venomously.

I stood there with slight shock, it felt like I just got a slap to the face.

"Fuck. You." I finished as I turned and walked out the door, I slammed it after me.

I stumbled down the hallway towards the elevator as I held back a cry, the lump in my throat became painful and my cheeks were soaked with tears. I pressed the button for the elevator and wiped my face with my arm. The doors slid open slowly and I walked inside wrapping my arms around myself, I pressed the button for the ground floor and the doors started to shut when I heard footsteps pounding down the hallway.

"Jess! Jess! Wait!" I tapped the button more rapidly and Jack's face came into the view as the doors closed fully.

I leaned back against the wall with a sigh, I took out my phone and opened the front camera. I looked pathetic right now, mascara streamed down my cheeks and my eyes were puffy and red.

I rushed through the ground floor as quickly as possible, I took my car keys from my bag and opened my car as I had left it here earlier

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I rushed through the ground floor as quickly as possible, I took my car keys from my bag and opened my car as I had left it here earlier. I got in and started the car quickly and pulled out onto the street, I didn't know what I was doing. The best thing to do would be to go home, but I didn't want to face Ella. I was tired, exhausted to be exact and I couldn't be bothered trying to find somewhere else to go.

I took a deep breath as I pulled into one of the spaces outside my apartment, I slowly got out of the car and locked it. I made my way to the door and opened it and headed for the stairs so I had a little time to think incase Ella was there. I climbed the stairs slowly, but it still wasn't long enough until I opened the door and sure enough Ella was sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, but Caspar was also sat with her. Their heads whipped towards me, Ella's mouth dropped open before she handed the bowl to Caspar and rushed over to me. Caspar stood up awkwardly, not quite knowing whether to stay at the couch or come over.

"What happened?" Ella asked as she held my shoulders.

"I... I don't want to talk about it right now, sorry for ruining your night but I just need to be alone." I apologised and Ella pulled me into a hug.

"I know you're not okay, but you're also the most stubborn person I know. So I'm going to let you have your time, but you are telling me about this first thing in the morning." Ella warned as she held my hand in hers.

"Are you sure you're okay? Do you want me to call Joe?" Caspar questioned from behind Ella.

"No please don't, but thank you Casp." I reassured as I walked away from the two.

I opened the door to my room and as I turned to shut it, I saw the worried glances Caspar and Ella both gave each other. I dumped my bag on the floor and threw my phone on the bedside table, I fell face flat onto the bed with my head buried in a pillow. I think it finally kicked in what had happened, my eyes were like a waterfall of never ending tears and I swear I could hear Ella and Caspar talking outside my door.

It was a long night as I cried myself to sleep while clutching a pillow tightly to my chest as I stared at the white dress that was hung up on the wall staring back at me.

Author's note

Well hello everyone, please don't kill me. I know you guys probably hate me right now, but I feel this is a very important chapter which is going to develop the plot a lot more. Get ready because a lot of stuff is about to happen!!

My questions for this chapter:

1) what was your honest opinion of this chapter?

2) who's your favourite youtuber?

3) what's your favourite song/band/singer at the moment?

Also, do you guys think it's bad that I find it easier to write the argument/angry scenes rather than the calm scenes? (I may slightly enjoy writing those scenes more because I find it exciting and dramatic.)

Anyway, please continue voting and commenting as you've all been doing so far and hope you guys are looking forward to the next chapter!! See you then xx

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