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I followed Joe into the living room where Caspar, Ella and Lexa were laughing. I gave them a small wave and sat down next to Caspar.

"Do you need to speak to me in private or...?" Joe trailed off, but I shook my head in return.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes briefly before I started to speak, I would rather have them know about the note ordeal than leave them in the dark. If they didn't know, they would most likely find out and be annoyed that I didn't tell them.

"Last night when Jack and I got home, there was a note." I started and the four looked at me confusedly.

"A note?" Lexa asked and I nodded my head.

"Somebody left a note at our door, it was a threatening note towards me." I explained and Ella's eyes widened.

"What did it say?"

"It said that I shouldn't have went through with marrying Jack, but I did and now what happens wouldn't be their fault." I revealed and they all looked at me.

"Who would write something like that?" Caspar questioned and we all looked at each other.

"I don't know, but whoever it did it is a coward. Jessica you need to tell the police about this or something." Joe advised and I shook my head.

"The police aren't going to do anything about a note, but the way the note sounded makes it seem like something else is going to happen." I shot back, I looked into my lap with a sigh.

"You can't let whoever this is get away with it, if anything else happens you need to go to the police." Ella urged, I didn't tell them about the text message.

"There was something else, I got a text from an unknown number when I got here." I opened the message and passed my phone to Caspar first.

"Jessica, this is a bit more serious. With this and the note you can go to the police, there's two threats." Caspar stated as he passed my phone to Ella.

"Yeah the police can surely trace the phone number somehow." Lexa added as she looked at the screen.

"Look guys I appreciate the advice and help, but I just came by to tell you guys about this because I am terrified. I need some time to think first before I decide what to do, please respect that."

The four of them shot me sorrowful smiles, Caspar put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. Caspar had always been like another brother to me, ever since Joe and him became friends, Caspar and I hit it off as well. Although Caspar was completely goofy, he had a good heart and I trusted him. My phone buzzed in my hand and my eyes flicked towards the screen with slight fear, I let out a sigh of relief once I saw that it was only Jack letting me know that Conor was staying in our apartment tonight. I didn't mind, Conor always knew how to make everyone laugh even at the worst of times. I just don't want any harm to come to anyone else because of me, whoever is threatening me has the intention of hurting my friends and family and for once in my life, I don't want to sit back and be walked all over. I want to be brave, I want to say that the fact that somebody is threatening me doesn't make me jump out of my skin, but it does because I'm not a brave person. I'm not like other people.

"Caspar and I aren't going back to LA." Ella broke the silence which has taken over the room.

"What? But I thought th-" I began, but Ella silenced me.

"Well my clients are back here and I don't want to lose them, besides Caspar has a few projects to work on here and if he needs to travel it's only for short while." Ella told me, I take it that Joe and Lexa knew as they didn't seem surprised.

"That's great news, it wouldn't be the same without you two around."

"Okay enough about how awesome Ella and I know we are, how about we play some fifa!" Caspar cheered as he turned on the tv and tossed a controller to Joe.

"Only you Casp," I breathed as I shook my head with a laugh.

Joe offered to bring me home as he knew that I was a bit jumpy and on edge, in fact I welcomed the offer with open arms. Joe and I always knew when the other wasn't feeling the best, it was like some twin sense that we had developed over the years. Jack and I were leaving for Greece in two days and I was looking forward to getting away for awhile, Joe stopped as he pulled up outside my apartment.

"Will you tell Zoe?" I questioned while I bit my lip, it's not that I didn't want to tell her, I was tired of thinking and talking about it all the time.

"Sure, I'll call her later on. I'm sure you'll probably hear from her too, look after yourself Jess and tell me if anything else happens." Joe responded as I stepped out of the car.

"Thanks and I will, bye Joseph." I called over my shoulder as I shut the car door.

When I opened the door to the apartment, music was playing lowly and it sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. I covered my mouth with my hand as I yawned, I made my way into the kitchen to see Conor and Jack lying on the couch singing together and Jack's laptop on the coffee table playing his Spotify playlist. I sat on the sofa next to the two boys with a sigh, they both looked towards me with a pitiful smile.

"How did it go?" Jack asked as he ran a hand through his hair, a habit I noticed that he had developed.

"Well Caspar, Ella and Lexa were there too, they think I should go to the police." I replied, my eyes watered slightly but I blinked away any tears that would surface.

"No offence, but what could the police do about a note?" Conor added and I took my phone out of my pocket.

"Something else happened." I opened the message on my phone and handed it to Conor and Jack.

"Shit, this is serious." Conor said as he looked between the two of us.

"Who the fuck does this person think they are?" Jack grumbled as he stood up.

I could tell he was getting angry, it seemed more like he was pissed off. I think if it had been the other way around and he had been threatened by a note first and then if I got threatened by text after, I think I would be pissed too. It seems like this person is playing a game, making threats and putting people on edge. Conor tried to calm Jack down by telling him to just sit down and take a deep breath, but Jack ignored him and started pacing around the room mumbling things below his breath. I flinched slightly as he cursed under his breath, Conor looked at me with wide eyes and I let my face rest in my hands. I heard Jack mumble something again before I felt the familiar touch of his hands on my wrists. I raised my head from my hands to meet his worried gaze.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. We need to do something, I'm not going to let whoever is doing this get away with it. How do you feel about heading to the station tomorrow?" Jack apologised as he kneeled in front of me.

"I-I think that's a good idea." I agreed.

I wanted to go to the police, but there was still a fear that kept gnawing at me that if we did, things were going to get much worse.

Author's Note;

Damn some more shit went down... I don't even know if this seems logical or not like I can't tell if I'm even writing this well so idk.

Vote and comment, I appreciate it. Bye for now xoxo

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