Happy Valentines Day! -//- Drarry

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"I could totally be with Draco right now, just saying." Harry grumbles, slouching on the couch next to Hermione.
"Will you just go talk to him? You left that feud behind you in 7th year! He lives upstairs with Pansy! Just go, for Merlin's sake!" Hermione groans.
"But what if he responds badly?" Harry argues.
"Well then you'll know. But humor me, so I know what it's like to go a full day without you complaining about Draco or fawning over Draco or just have a Draco-less day." Hermione begs.
"I think I'm going to take a nap." Harry says, steering away from the subject, and laying on the couch, and flicking his wand for some music. Hermione gets an idea, and stands up to go get dressed. One sundress, floppy hat, spiral curler, and pair of gladiator sandals later, she knocks on Pansy's door.
"Hey, 'Mione. What's up, babe?" her best friend asks.
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go for tea? I have a date with Fred tonight, or I'd ask later, but I need advice." she says.
"Sure. I do too. Just let me tell Draco and put on shoes." she replies. Pansy is already in a leather jacket, black leggings, and some band shirt, and just slips on some boots, and they go.
"Dray, I'm going for tea! Consider doing what I told you!" Pansy calls.
"I don't plan to! But thanks!" Draco calls. Pansy had earlier dealt with Draco's whining of Harry the way Hermione had. 'Go tell him. Or at least see what he's up to. You guys could hang out and see what happens.' she advised. 'No way in Merlin.' was his reply.
"Okay, so what's up?" Pansy asks, as they step into the cool early spring air.
"Let's talk at the same time, get it off our chests, then elaborate?" Hermione suggests, and Pansy nods, agreeing.
"Harry won't shut up about Draco, and it's Valentines Day. I think we need to try to get them together. Do you know anything about who Draco has an eye on?" Hermione says as Pansy says:
"Draco is obsessing over Harry and it's really annoying. It's Valentines Day. If Harry like Draco, do you want to help me get them together?"
"No way." Hermione says. "Draco loves Harry?" she gasps.
"Harry's in love with Draco?" Pansy asks.
"For a long time, Panz. Like, 6th year."
"Draco almost defected from Voldemort to be with Harry." Pansy admits before Hermione even asks.
"Well in that case, we have to get them together!!!" Hermione exclaims as they go into the tea shop.
"I know. But there's no way we're getting either of them off the couches willingly." Pansy says, and Hermione agrees.
"But I do have an idea...." Hermione says, and Pansy leans in, and they start planning.

"Hey, Harry! I'm home and Pansy's with me!" Hermione calls.
"Hi!" Pansy calls in greeting. They go look on the couch and there's a sleeping Harry, in Gryffindor shorts and a white t shirt.
"Perfect." Pansy whispers.
"Petrificus Totalus." Hermione says, just as Harry's eyes fly open, wildly searching for who and why this is happening. They leave Harry there, and go searching for the ribbon in Hermione's craft box. 
"What about this one? Or this one?" Pansy asks, holding up a green ribbon in one hand, and a sparkly blue one in another.
"Left or Right?" Hermione asks, holding up a red ribbon, and a pink one with hearts.
"Both." Pansy says. "We'll unpetrify him as we drop him off and put the gold tape on his mouth, and have a little gift tag?" Pansy asks.
"Perfect. Let's get started. I'll stand him up, you tie the ribbon?" Hermione asks as they go back out to her best friend, still laying on the couch. Pansy nods, gets the ribbon and scissors, and they get to work.
After an hour, nearly lunchtime, Hermione and Pansy are still perfecting Draco's valentine and discussing what Hermione is wearing on her date with Fred.

"I think I'm going with that black dress, white jean jacket, and black heels. What about you and Blaise?" Hermione decides.
"I think I'm going to wear that red strapless dress and the matching heels. Keep it simple. We're doing one of those 'Tour London' thingies, since we don't get out into the Muggle world much." Pansy explains.

"That's cute. I have a feeling there isn't going to be a lot of sightseeing though..." Hermione says, nudging her best friend.

"I know, but that's what's supposed to happen, isn't it?" Pansy giggles, as a strange gutteral noise escapes Harry. 
"We get it. We'll stop." Hermione laughs. Pansy ties the ribbon in a nice bow, and they set Harry back down while they write the tag. 'Dear Draco, I was whining about you all morning and so I decided to pay you a visit! Happy Valentines Day! Love, Harry. P.S. Pansy and Hermione had nothing to do with this.' it reads. They tie it to the ribbon, and Hermione brings out a teddy. She points her wand at the bear.
"Engorgio." she says, and the bear quadruples in size. It's the same size as Harry, maybe a little bigger. "Alright, let's go. Wingardium Leviosa." Hermione incantates, pointing at Harry, who immediately becomes a little airsick, but adjusts okay. Pansy levitates the bear, and they head out. As Harry sees where they are going, he want's nothing more than to float out the window and into the atmosphere, or melt into the ground.
Meanwhile, Draco is trying to read, but he always ends up thinking of Harry. He would love to cuddle in the giant armchair he's in with his secret love. And on this day of all days. He really had no desire to be alone tonight, because Pansy had a date with Blaise. And there was no way Harry didn't have  a date, a hottie like him. Draco was lost in his thoughts when the doorbell rang.
"What on earth? Another telemarketer? I'm not buying an---" he stops dead as he sees what is the other side of his door. Harry, with a huge teddy behind him, in only his boxers, a skin tight shirt, showing his abs, and wrapped in ribbon, with tape on his mouth. Draco becomes aware he's in basically the same thing but he's wearing black skinny jeans, and now notices his face go hot, and Harry feels the same thing. Neither notices the other blush, because they're too wrapped up in their own, trying to stop it. They stand there for a few minutes awkwardly quiet, until Draco finally speaks the first thing he thought when he noticed the bear.
"How did they get both you and the bear up here?" he asks. Harry shrugs. "Oh! Want to come in?" He asks, and Harry nods slightly, blushing again, and Draco realizes after a second he can't exactly move. "I'm an idiot. Let me untie you real quick, and we can bring the bear in and all." he apologizes, going to the bow, and seeing the tag, and reading it over quickly. Of course Hermione and Pansy did this. Who else? But was Harry really whining about him on Valentines Day? Oh please Merlin. He smiles as he unties the bow and all the ribbons fall at Harry's feet. Then he rips of the tape.
"OW!" Harry cries. 
"Sorry. Help me with this huge bear, will you?" Draco asks, grabbing half the bear, and urging Harry to get the other side, which he does, and with some maneuvering, they get everything inside. Little do they know, Hermione bugged the bear with a voice recorder and super tiny camera hidden in the eye. She and Pansy are watching from Harry and her apartment, groaning and squealing at the awkwardness, as they set the bear facing the couch, and sat down. Hermione is wondering whether it's worth it to miss 2 minutes and break out the popcorn. She decides yes, and runs to the kitchen, and pops it as fast as humanly possible, and runs back. In the meantime, Harry and Draco have been sitting at arms width apart, each willing the other to scoot closer.
"They used Wingardium Leviosa. To get everything up here, I mean." Harry awkwardly answers the question Draco asked 10 minutes before.
"That's a very Hermione spell." Draco says, possibly more awkwardly.
"Yeah. It really is." Harry says, earning a small laugh from both of them.
"Soooo...... how's work?" Draco asks, trying to cut down the tension.
"Draco, you work in the same cubicle as me. You know it's all paperwork." Harry laughs.
"Oh yeah." Draco says blankly. Well there goes all his conversation ideas besides that damned note Hermione and Pansy attached to the bow. But there's no way he's going to--
"So... that note 'Mione and Pansy wrote and put on the bow...?" he blurts. Damn it.
"What note?!" Harry asks, very confused and a little worried about what exactly they said.
"I have it here with the ribbons." Draco hands him the note, and he reads it. Oh god. He's going to kill them. Right after he throws up.

"I'm going to use the restroom." he says, and rushes that way, leaving a very confused and somewhat upset Draco behind. He shuts the door and sinks to the ground, head in his hands. There's no way he's ever going to be able to show his face to Draco again after that. So what if it was true? That doesn't mean they tell him that! Hermione and Pansy, watching him run to the restroom, know he's probably mad and upset, and discuss for a moment fleeing for their lives. But they opt against it if only to see what happens and then run. Draco sits on the giant armchair again, and against his own will, starts fantasizing again. But even though Harry is right down the hall, there is no way they'll end up in the armchair together today. Or any day. When Harry comes back, Draco jumps up.
"Everything okay?" he asks.
"I don't know, Dray. I just don't." Harry blurts before he can filter his speech.
"Okay. What's up?" Draco asks, trying to see if he get Harry to do the impossible: open up to him. "Sit down. You can trust me right?" he asks.
"Nevermind. I'm just going to go." Harry says, moving towards the door.
"Hey, why don't you stay? I have some chicken salad sandwiches. After the morning I'm guessing you've had, you're probably starved." Draco tries. Harry sighs. Yes. Please.
"Actually, that'd be nice. Thanks." Harry says, and they go grab some sandwiches and sit back on the couch.

"Go Draco!" Hermione and Pansy cheer.
"So, anything you want to talk about?" Harry says after a minute.
"No." Draco lies. "Want to watch a film? Pansy was raving about this Muggle film called The Notebook?" he suggests.
"I've never even heard of it. Let's give it a shot." Harry says, as Draco searches for the movie. When they get it on, Hermione and Pansy, still watching, high five.
"'Mione, he's seen the Notebook. He knows what it's about. This boy is doing it right." Pansy says.
"Thank god we can watch what's going on, both them and the movie, then." Hermione says. They go silent again and watch. Harry sits on the armchair, and Draco wants to just plop right on his lap, but he sits on the arm of the chair, and leans on the back of it. He will never admit that this is one of his favorite movies, and he has an excuse to watch it with his favorite person.
"Aww this is so sweet.." Pansy whispers, as she watches The Notebook, and Hermione watches Harry and Draco.
"Hey, there's plenty of room here. This chair is huge." Harry says about 5 minutes before Draco's favorite scene with the rain. Harry has a small hope Draco actually won't slide into the chair, but he does, and Harry is very surprised how comfortable it is. They fit perfectly with some room to spare. Draco is fighting an urge to just start spewing to Harry about how much he loves him. Hermione squealed quite loudly when they ended up in the chair together. During the part where the man is confessing his undying love to the woman, Harry scoots closer to Draco, closing the few inches between them and Draco smiles, and they finish out the scene, while Harry leans very slightly away from Draco, just enough to remind him that Draco does not like him that way, most likely. After a moment, Draco makes a huge decision, one that absolutely terrifies him, but he wants to do it at the same time. He snakes and arm around Harry's waist, and moves closer.
"Draco, your arm is around my waist..." Harry whispers, feeling butterflies.
"I know..." Draco whispers, right before kissing him. Harry, unprepared, opens his eyes wide for a moment before kissing him back. Hermione and Pansy start cheering so loud it's surprising they don't hear it where Harry and Draco are. Maybe they do. But they're only focused on each other. They kind of mold together, still kissing, until they finally pull away, and Draco shuts the movie off.

"Harry, do you want to know something? I was completely ready to defect to you guys, but before I could run away, they branded me with the Dark Mark, which is basically a tracking device, and I knew they'd kill us both. And then I realized you probably didn't love me back. So I pushed you as far out of my mind as I could before I fell for you all over again about 2 years ago." Draco admits, and Harry smiles.
"I was almost certain you hated me when I realized I loved you at Malfoy Manor, and I obviously couldn't say anything there. But I guess we loved each other all along, huh?" Harry says.
"I guess so. And I don't think that will ever change." Draco says, kissing Harry again, and this time Harry is ready for it.
"Happy Valentines Day, Draco." Harry says quietly.
"Happy Valentines Day, Harry." Draco says back. "You know Hermione and Pansy hid a camera in the bear, right?" he adds after a minute.
"Yeah. Hope you guys enjoyed the show. It was all fake." Harry says, getting up, and Draco plays along after Harry winks. Hermione and Pansy's mouths drop to the floor almost. Harry and Draco go to the bear and look for the recorders. When they find it, they both kneel next to it and look right into the camera.
"Kidding." Harry laughs, and tackles Draco to the floor with a kiss. Draco laughs as they break apart, but neither gets up. In fact, Harry lays his head on Draco's chest, and Draco starts messing with Harry's mop of hair.
"You gonna get up?" Draco asks after about 5 minutes,  hoping he says no.
"I think I like it where I am..." Harry says, rolling them onto their sides, and they continue to kiss.
"Best Valentines Day ever." Draco whispers.

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