The Great Food Fight

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Harry Potter had made a mistake. A very big mistake. As far as idiotic mistakes go, he made a very, very, idiotic decision. Over the summer, he had invited Fred, George, and Ron to the cinema with him, and they had seen every comedy available in the whole county. Most of them containing food fights. Yes. Do you understand now? He showed the twins what a food fight was. 
On the first night of the year, Fred and George climbed up onto the table during dessert. Nothing new, they did something hilarious every year after climbing up onto the table. But this year they came armed. They were carrying pies. Everyone was figuring it would be a comedy routine. No way. George chucked a pie across the room, and hit a Slytherin 7th year square in the face. Fred hit a Gryffindor down the table. The two houses started chucking everything in sight at each other. But at some point, a Ravenclaw was hit. Then a Hufflepuff. As soon as they realized everyone was involved, people started diving under the tables, figuring out their next moves. Ravenclaws wanted to keep things fast and efficient, and built a makeshift catapult. They were hitting people left and right. They got really into it soon, and starting hitting the people next to them. Hufflepuffs were surprisingly good. They stayed out of it, but when things would get a little slow, they could tell who to hit to keep things going. The Slytherins, who were hated among all the houses, were mainly targeted, but they immediately went to the Gryffindors. Both were caked in desserts quickly, and soon they were in an all out war. Teachers were yelling over the madness, trying to stop it before things went to far or got too loud. Things went to far and got too loud. People couldn't hear the person next to them after 30 minutes or so. The fight went on and on. And the food replenished itself. 
"WHY DID I SHOW FRED AND GEORGE THOSE MOVIES?!" Harry yells at Ron, chucking a pie at Malfoy.
"SHUT UP AND HIT THAT RAVENCLAW OVER THERE!" Hermione yells, pointing at a Ravenclaw in their year. She chucked a whole pudding dish at him, and they chucked pies.
"WHAT'D HE DO?!" Harry yelled.
"HE TOLD ME THAT HE LIKED ME AND THEN HIS OTHER FRIEND TOLD ME HE WAS JUST LEADING ME ON EARLIER." Hermione yelled. Fred, George, and Ginny barely heard, but they started chucking all their ammunition at him as well. He was covered in minutes. He looked over, and Fred gave him a few rude hand gestures. Longer the Houses fought. Almost an hour later, everyone was tired. First years were very confused. Did every year start like this? But suddenly, the Hall went dead silent. McGonagall was hit in the face with a pie. It was dripping. But the fight continued when they realized Dumbledore had hit her. So she hit him back. 
Everyone went to bed happy that night, after they'd magicked the mess away. 
"Never do that again. But that was awesome." Harry said to Fred and George.
"No promises." They call.

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