Furry Little Secrets -//- Marauders

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It all started when the 3rd years were doing research on werewolves and James had been trying to be more observant - advice from Evans. He noticed a few things that week: one was that Remus did absolutely no research for that paper. Another was that Remus spent 2 nights out of the dorm that week and came back sporting a new cut on his cheek. And the third was that the full moon had been really pretty the other night. He had used that as a talking point with Evans as proof he was being more observant. It didn't work. But back to Remus. James was worried about Remus. He always claimed it was from a sick mum or a ill younger sibling or a family matter, but James wasn't sure. Remus always spent the days after getting back to school cuddled up into blankets in bigger sweaters than usual. And usually he'd be scratched up. Remus was just finishing up his essay when James walked up.

"Hey, man. You okay?" James asked. Remus looked alarmed and placed a hand to his collar quickly. 
"Yeah, I'm good. Why?" he asked almost frantically. 
"You.. just looked tired... we should probably head to bed." James said. Remus nodded. James stayed up late that night. So did Remus, but neither knew the other was awake. James was trying to figure out where Remus had been going for the past 3 years.

Another month passed, and James had been talking to the other 2 boys about where Remus might be going. Then, he had an idea, and he hoped he was wrong, for Remus' sake. For 2 more months, the boys mapped out when Remus would "go home". One month he came back and he had a rather large gash in the front of his neck, and everyone noticed. Remus looked like he was going to cry from all the attention he was getting, he was so overwhelmed, so when James and Sirius happened to be in the hall when the event took place, they came and helped Remus out if the crowd and back to the dorm. They both knew they really should stop whispering behind Remus' back and just confront him, but they'd have to talk to Pete first.

Two nights later they were sitting, just the four boys sat in the third year boy's dorm. Remus was confused as to why the other 3 looked nervous. James, Sirius, and Peter were freaking out because what if they were wrong? But they knew, somehow, that they weren't wrong. Remus fiddled with his sweater and was about to speak when James finally looked up and opened his mouth.
"Remus, we know." he said quietly. Remus froze, praying they didn't mean what he thought he did. 

"Know.. know what?" Remus asked. 

"We know that you're secretly snogging Evans and that's why she's rejecting Jamie here." Sirius said. Remus smirked, relieved that this was just a joke. James elbowed Sirius. "OW!!!!" he yelped.

"Not the time, Sirius." James said. Sirius grumbled something. James cleared his throat. "We know about your.. erm.. condition." James said.

"Condition?" Remus asked.
"Your... being a werewolf." James said quietly. Remus froze, panicking. Just then, the door opened and Frank Longbottom came in. 
"Heya, Frank. Nice time with Alice?" Pete asked. 
"Yeah, it was great. She's amazing. Night, lads." Frank said, climbing into bed and closing the curtains. 
"I guess we'll talk about this later..." Sirius said. James nodded, and Remus stayed frozen on his bed. He stared in shock as Sirius closed his bed curtains, muttering a goodnight. When Remus finally moved, he laid in his bed with the curtains closed and thought about everything. They knew he was gay. Everyone did. He and Sirius even had a small thing sometimes, going on little trips to Hogsmeade and cuddling by the fire, the occasional kiss, maybe. They knew he stayed at Hogwarts every Christmas because he didn't have a great relationship with parents. They knew exactly how he liked his tea, and what he ate for breakfast. James and Sirius would carry Remus to bed if he fell asleep in the library of the common room. They joked with him for folding his socks, and his sweater vests, and they let him borrow their sweatshirts. They were the best friends in the world. And now they probably didn't want to hang out with him anymore. They probably hated him, and thought he was a monster. 
It was early the next morning, a Saturday, when Remus finally got out of bed after lying awake, dressed, and ran down the stairs, through the common room and out the portrait hole, and down and around countless corridors and up and down stairs until he found himself on the Astronomy tower. For a split second, he considered jumping to a totally too dramatic death, before realizing that was overly dramatic, and so her decided to be a little more rational. He sunk down against the wall and sobbed, his breath coming to him in small gasps of air. He sat there long after he stopped crying, his knees drawn to his chest. He heard steps on the stairs, coming up to him, and he began to panic again, setting off his crying. It was barely sunrise, and out of the dim light, Sirius in his disheveled school clothes, James still rumpled from sleep, and Peter looking like he always did in jeans and a jumper, emerged. 
"Remus?" Sirius asked. Remus continued to cry.
"You okay?" James asked, as they walked over and sat next to him. Remus wiped his face.
"I understand if you hate me. You don't have to break it to me gently." Remus whispered. Sirius laughed out loud. 
"You think we hate you? Why would you think that, love?" Sirius asked.
"Because.. I'm a werewolf...." Remus said quietly. 
"My parents might hate werewolves, but they're wrong. There's nothing wrong with them. The people who are werewolves are nothing like their wolves. We love you, Re. We're not telling anybody, and we're not going anywhere." Sirius reassured. Remus couldn't stop crying again, but this time, happily. 
"What's wrong, Remus?" James asked.
"I'm just so lucky to have you guys as friends." Remus cried, his head on Sirius' shoulder.

"We love you, too, Re." James said, and they hug him tightly. 
"I love you most." Sirius whispered, kissing Remus' head.
"Just kiss already...." groaned Peter.
"Oh, but why please you?" Sirius joked, kissing Remus' head again while Remus laughed through his tears. The 4 boys stayed that way until the sun was shining in the sky and they knew people would be looking.
Plus, James got hungry.

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