The Forbidden Game

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It started out purely as a practice before the Quidditch finals. Late at night. Just the Gryffindor team. But then it was the Ravenclaws. The Slytherins. And finally, the Hufflepuffs. James Sirius Potter, captain of the Gryffindor team, came up with the idea. Scorpious and Teddy, of course, were the first on board. And so, Hufflepuff, like with everything else, went along and they ended up with mixed house teams. 
"What about people who didn't make the teams?" Alicia Longbottom from Hufflepuff asks one day. She's a year above James, a 7th year, and captain of the Hufflepuffs, but her little brother and sister didn't make the team and they want to play.
"Anyone can come." Little Scorpious Malfoy pipes up, and James nods. Albus, his younger brother, hadn't made the team, and had wanted to, he knew. But he also knew it would be really hard to get him into it, because he acted like he didn't care anymore. Lily Luna is the seeker on the Gryffindor team, making Albus the only one off the team, and the only one in the family, including Teddy, who hadn't made the team even once. His dad had, his mum had, his granddad had, and his grandmum did for a year. 
And so it becomes a tradition. Every Friday night, and some Saturdays, James Sirius, or J.S., as everyone calls him, will take his cloak and sneak over to the Ravenclaw dorm. Teddy will have the map, and he will sneak off when J.S. approaches. Then they use the map to go around and gather all the students. They have hiding places to go to if a teacher comes, and usually barely make it. They have teams, and subs, and over half the school comes. Most of them are audience. The teams aren't houses. They are: Wishers, Britain's Rejects, Silent Yet Deadly, and Phoenixes.They even have colors to wear on game nights. Wishers are in Purple, Britain's Rejects in Grey, Silent Yet Deadly in Gold, and Phoenixes in Bright Orange. James is one of the Chasers for the Wishers, and Lily is their Seeker. There is always food, so everyone grabs a light snack before flying out. Even Professor Hagrid will come and watch the games when he can. It's everyone's favorite part of the week. They don't have to be a Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin. They can be Dan, Laurie, Wally, Quinn, Gen, Kobe, Levi, and so on. Katrina Fowler, a Ravenclaw 7th year, and the next Hermione Granger, according to her teachers, commentates, and helps them break ties. Rose and Hugo Weasley are the Beaters, just like their uncles, even though neither make the team. They always have a place open for Al, because he really is good. but he always refuses. The usual game goes like this:
"Hey, Al, you wanna play tonight?" J.S. will ask on the way down to the pitch.
"You only ask because I'm you're brother. Pass. Maybe another time." Al always says, and makes his way to the stands. J.S. will always feel bad because that's not true, but he takes his little sister on his back and they head down to the changing rooms. Everyone will mount their brooms, J.S. will always remind them that they're the best players out there, and someone (usually Rose) will pop up.
"Knock on Wood." and everyone knocks on Greg Wood, another Chaser, Oliver Wood's son. It's a pregame ritual. Then, they zoom out on their brooms, and the game begins. The only difference is the bludgers are enchanted soccer balls, so no one gets seriously injured. Katrina will go over the rules every week, and then they're off! They use old Snitches enchanted to fly like usual, and occaisonally, Al, who's a Britian's Reject fan, will occaisonally catch himself cheering on Teddy and Scorpious on Phoenixes, or Rose, Hugo, J.S., and Lily Luna on Wishers, losing himself in the moment. Once or twice, McGonagall will go out for a late night walk on a Friday, and hear cheering down at the pitch, and walk over quietly. 
"Go Teddy!" someone will call over everything, and all eyes will go over to usually quiet Teddy Lupin who's racing on a broom with the Quaffle towards the other end.  She knows she should go yell at them, and give them all detentions, but it's so nice  to see everyone getting along so well. House Unity at it's best. 

One night, J.S. and Lily are suiting up, J.S. notices Julian Yoden isn't there. Al suddenly pops in. 
"Yoden has Dragon Pox. Mind if I play?" he asks, with a grin. J.S. doesn't answer, but throws a spare purple t shirt in his direction. McGonagall has made it a habit to take a walk to watch the games now, and she watches, and notices not 2, but 3  Potters are on brooms. And there's Mr Lupin flying alongside them, trying to get the Quaffle. He gets it away, and scores. McGonagall watches his girlfriend, Victoire Weasley, cheer as loud as possible, and smiles, heading back up to the castle. Meanwhile, Al is beating himself a bit about letting the Quaffle away. Teddy flies up beside him.
"It happens. Bet you make the team next year." he nudges his god-brother. Al snorts, but smiles. They continue, and not too soon after, Lewis Cracket catches the snitch, and Phoenixes win! Then, it's Britain's Rejects and Silent But Deadly. Al sits with his family and friends, and has a great time for the time since he started coming. J.S. is so happy that Al finally realizes he wasn't kidding about him joining them.
"You know, if you were a Gryffindor, I'd have you on the team in a second. You're a better Chaser than Molly." J.S. says. 
"You think?" Al says, really smiling big now.
"Uncle Percy never played Quidditch, neither did Aunt Penny. Molly's first generation self-taught. You come from a family where almost everyone has played. You have it in your blood, man." J.S. reminds him. They continue talking through the whole match, arguing a little, because James roots for Silent But Deadly, but it's all in good fun. About 10 minutes before the match ends, Teddy and Vicki sneak off, and end up snogging in a dark corner for longer than anyone thought humanly possible.
You had better believe Sirius and James are losing their shit watching this with Remus.

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