With Love, Sirius -//- Wolfstar

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Sirius sheepishly looked over the back of the sofa at Remus, who had his back to him. James was talking to him, and Remus was ignoring him, too. Finally, James gave up and walked back over to Sirius. 
"No luck. I'm sorry, Siri." James said. "He was paying attention until I said your name. Then he went stone cold and just went back to his essay."
"I just... I wish I could make him listen... I miss him so much..." Sirius sniffed. "He won't talk to me, he won't listen to me, he won't look at me, he won't listen to people talk about me. I just don't know what to do anymore.." he whispered, holding back tears. James hugged him. 

"I know, love. I'm sorry I can't help you. All I can say is don't give up. Show him you still love him and care about him. Patience is key. Just do what you think is right. He'll come around eventually." James consoled him. Sirius nodded.
And that's how, not even an hour later, Sirius was working up the courage to talk to Remus. He had gone out to the greenhouses and picked out the prettiest flowers he could find. He still wasn't totally sure of what he wanted to say, but he figured he'd figure it out when he finally went up to Remus. He took a deep breath and walked up and sat down next to Remus. Except he sat too hard and banged his knee on the desk.

"SHIT!" he grunted, and heads turned. Screw it that the common room was kind of full. People could get over it. That wasn't exactly what Sirius wanted to say first, but it's not like Remus was paying attention. Sirius sat and looked at him, and he hoped Remus would just look up. Glance up, maybe. Just something. But Remus was stubborn, and he continued writing. Sirius moved on. He picked up a white flower from his bouquet.
"White's the color of peace, according to Evans' book. Because we've been fighting and I really want to make up. I miss you, Remus." Sirius notices Remus has stopped writing. So he kept on. "Orange means happiness. I assume you know what that means, but I'll say it anyway. Hogwarts was my first home. I can't remember feeling happy before Prongs and Wormtail... and you. I was called traitor so much I was basically believing it. But you showed me I was worth it, remember?" Sirius' voice began to waver a little and he took a breath. "You made me feel like I had a life worth living, and that I wasn't scum of the earth. Remember the first night we kissed? That was the best night of my life...." Sirius wiped roughly at his cheek where a tear was running down. He noticed Remus' knuckles were almost white clenching the quill. "You were the first to make me feel loved, and I'll never thank you enough for that. I don't know what I did to deserve you, honestly." But truthfully, he just missed his Moons so much it hurt. He wiped his eyes a little more. "Yellow is for friendship. You're my best friend, Moons. Really. I mean, I but more than that actually. Hopefully...." Sirius said, having stopped wiping at his eyes. He was trying to stop himself from full out crying when he put the final flower on the table: a deep red rose. THe most important one. "I hope you know what this means, Re. I really, truly do. Otherwise I've been doing this terribly wrong." And it was then that Sirius saw the wet splotches on Remus' parchment paper, spreading the ink. Sirius was so thankful Remus was even hearing him, listening to him, that he found himself on the floor a second later, holding Remus' tear stained face in both hands to finally, finally, get Remus to look at him. And for the first time in weeks, maybe months, Remus' gorgeous gold eyes connected with Sirius' dark ones, and both boys' eyes were tear-filled. "It means I love you, Moons. I love you so much, I really do. And I'm so sorry, Remus. I love you so much." Sirius was whispering at the end. He was sure everyone was watching, but he didn't give a damn. He was focused on what was important. Remus was quiet for a few seconds before letting out a rather loud sob(if no one was looking yet, they were now.) and could barely draw in a breath to say,
"I love you, too, Sirius." and he dropped down into Sirius' arms and held him as tightly as he could and they cried together. Because Remus had missed him so badly it hurt. Sirius was sobbing in relief, and Remus just couldn't believe he was so lucky to have Sirius, someone who would do that for him. Sirius looked up for one second, and people had come down from their dorms to watch. He was sure, but he didn't care. He saw James taking care of it. What mattered was that Remus was curling up into him like a child, holding him tightly. Sirius smiled.

"Hold on tight." he whispered, and stood up with Remus in his arms. He carried him up to their dorm and curled up on his bed after setting down Remus. Remus was sitting on the edge of bed, like he wasn't sure if he was welcome. Sirius smiled and beckoned him closer. Remus was in his arms again in a matter of moments, cuddling into him. He fit like a puzzle piece. Sirius kissed his forehead, and felt Remus smile. They pressed their foreheads together, and they stayed that way, not moving or kissing or talking. For quite some time. 

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