Happy Birthday, Harry -//- Drarry

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I'm starting this on the man himself's birthday! Happy 39th Birthday to the Chosen One! Today I'll be doing a short-fic about the very first birthday Harry spent with Draco, and Draco just planned a nice evening for them together. Written to be the summer after 8th year.


July 31, 2000. The 20th birthday of the Boy Who Lived Twice, the boyfriend of Draco Malfoy. It was almost a whole year since Harry and Draco had gotten together, and damn it Draco was going to make this is best birthday ever. Not hard to top last year's party, where Harry got really drunk and dumped Ginny. A week later, he and Draco met at a pub and woke up the next morning at Draco's hickies covering both of their torsos, but dignities intact (aka they didn't fuck).  They'd been together ever since. 
Draco had been planning Harry's birthday for... a few hours, honestly. He'd woken up to a note from Harry saying he'd left early and would be back around 4. And an alert that it was his birthday. He wasn't too shocked he'd forgotten, he really was awful with birthdays. But he had immediately gotten up and started planning a date night. Thank Merlin, he'd already bought Harry's gift a month in advance. It was a limited edition of Quidditch Through The Ages, and Draco was so thankful he'd wandered into Flourish and Blotts on the one day they were sold. 
It had taken hours of thought and planning, a few calls to Hermione, a call to Pansy, and even a call to Ginny to get the date night perfectly set up. He looked at the clock, and seeing that it was almost time for Harry to be home, he ran upstairs to get dressed. At exactly 4 o'clock, his phone rang. Thank Merlin for geniuses like Hermione who invented phones for Wizards. They were just like Muggle phones but with a little more actual magic. And a little simpler for the wizards who grew up without technology. 
"Hello?" he answered.
"Hey, Dray." Harry sighed. 
"Hi, love. Happy Birthday." Draco grinned. 
"Thank you. So... uhh.. I'm gonna be a little late. There was a filing mistake and one of the interns misplaces some crucial papers for the trial. I've gotta find it before I come home." Harry groaned. Draco felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. He knew a 'little late' could be anywhere from 20 minutes to 3 hours. And in 3 hours, they would miss dinner reservations and most of the Quidditch game and sure they could still catch the film but that wasn't really a special thing, it was just a film they both wanted to see.  
"That's okay, darling. Just don't stress too much. It's your birthday after all." Draco reminded him. 
"I'll try." Harry promised. "I'll see you soon, baby. I love you."
"I love you, too." Draco grinned, hanging up. He flopped back on the bed and groaned. 
Harry's 'little late' ended up being 3 1/2 hours late. And then when he DID get home, Draco was basically asleep on the couch. He jolted awake when he heard the door slam shut, and a groan from Harry as he walked into the living room. 
"I'm sorry, Dray." Harry sighed by way of greeting. "I wish I didn't have to stay that long." he shook his head. Draco stood up and smiled. He wrapped his arms around the raven-haired man and kissed his cheek. Harry leaned into the touch, which told Draco it really had been a day. 
"It wasn't your fault, sweetheart. I'm not upset. Well, I am a little because you had to spend your birthday this way." he soothed his boyfriend. They sat down on the couch and Harry burrowed into Draco's side. 
"I'm sorry if I ruined any plans..." Harry whispered. "I just-- I was the last one in the office and I had to call every intern and no one knew. I finally found it in the last intern's desk drawer and just came home." he told Draco. The blond kissed his head. 
"You didn't ruin anything. I mean of course I wanted to do something special. But  you know what? In a week it's our anniversary. Let's try again then. I'll treat you like a king all day. What about tonight, though? What do you want to do?" Draco asked.
"Can we just... be at home? I missed you today, and I only want to see you." Harry said, grinning slightly as he reached up to kiss Draco's cheek. 
"Whatever you want, birthday boy." Draco said, as he racked his brain for ideas on how to still make tonight special. They turned on the television and flipped to a random channel and sat in silence. 
After about 15 minutes Draco eased himself out from under Harry. 
"I'll be right back. I'm going to make dinner." he said quietly. Harry nodded, half asleep. Draco rushed to the hall closet and found some blankets and spare throw pillows. He threw them onto their back porch and hurried to boil water for spaghetti in the kitchen. As the water boiled, he threw blankets down in the glass and arranged pillows around them. Then, he turned down the lamps outside and brought out the stereo to play music quietly. He laid out a tray they would usually use in bed, and then hurried inside to get marinara sauce, alfredo sauce, cheese, and plate the spaghetti. Then he went outside AGAIN to set up all the food on the tray and make sure everything was perfect. After moving around a few things, he decided it was as good as it would get before walking inside to the living room. He stood in the doorway and watched as Harry laughed and smiled at the comedy special on the television. When Harry noticed him, he looked over and grinned softly. 
"Ready for dinner?" Draco asked quietly. Harry nodded, standing up. "Stop right there. Birthday boys don't have to walk anywhere." Draco said, wiggling his eyebrows as he picked Harry up princess-style. Harry giggled. A real giggle, and Draco's heart went through his chest and he smiled. "Eyes closed." he ordered, and Harry obliged. He carried his boyfriend through the whole house while Harry rested his head on his shoulder while he covered his eyes. When they reached the porch, he nudged Harry's head with his shoulder, causing him to sit up and open his eyes. 
"Happy Birthday, my darling." Draco said, setting Harry down. 
"Oh, Dray... it's perfect. I love it." Harry said, taking in the simple yet romantic scene. It was like a movie scene, with low lights and a clear sky of stars and blankets and dinner ready and waiting. He kissed his boyfriend's lips gently before they went down the steps to eat. 
When the spaghetti was devoured (except for a few Lady and The Tramp moments), the two boys laid on the blankets with all the lights off and watched the stars. 
"What did I do to you to deserve this? I'm so lucky." Harry sighed. 
"You saved me, baby. From my old life, from my old self. You showed me love in it's rawest form. You changed me in the best ways. I love you so much."
"I love you, too, Dray." Harry said. 
"Huh." Draco said. "I think that's the first time we've said that before."
"I think you're right. But now I can say it as much as I want." Harry grinned. "I love you so much, Draco Malfoy, it hurts. I love you more than anything."
"Harry Potter, you are my sun, moon, and stars. I love you to the ends of the earth." Draco sighed. "Also we're being really corny about this." he added after a moment. Harry kissed him, giggling. 
"That's okay. Because we're in love. We can stand to be corny just a little longer." Harry said, gazing upwards. No longer at the stars in the sky, but the reflection of them dancing in Draco's eyes. (Damn that was CHEESY but I've been waiting to use that line for MONTHS)
They fell asleep up on the porch that night, on their hammock, the radio still playing. And who cares if they overslept and both missed work the next day? They were in love. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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