Incredible Magic -//- All

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AU where Luna is a healer/tattoo artist and she's opening her own shop. Remus and Sirius survived the war and are in this as well. James and Lily survived the first war, and the second, but they died of a disease(unknown) recently. Harry and his godfathers are mourning most of this, and Draco stays with them, too. Luna gives magical tattoos, but you don't get to pick yours. Her process works a little differently, and she picks your tattoo for you. It's perfect every time. 

"Happy Opening Day, darling!" Ginny said to Luna, swinging her into a hug. 
"Thank you! Can you help me hang the sign?" Luna asked. Ginny smiled, and squatted on the ground. Luna picked up her sign and sat on Ginny's shoulders. Ginny boosted her up and she hung her sign.
"The Lovegood Louvre: Magical Tattoo Art." Ginny read. "Lu, it's going to be so amazing. You'll get so much business."
"I can't wait. Hopefully some of our friends will come by." Luna said, opening the door and walking around inside.
"Well how about I'm your first client?" Ginny asked, sitting in a chair. Luna smiled.
"I think that's the perfect way to open." she nodded. Luna said a quick spell to make the ink magic and then thought for a second before smiling to herself. She made quick work of sterilizing Ginny's arm and the needle before getting to work. 
"Ouch." Ginny hissed as the needle worked ink into her skin.
"Okay?" asked Luna. 
"Yeah. Obviously my first tattoo. Just getting used to it. Kinda stings is all." Ginny reassured the blonde girl.
"And... done!" Luna exclaimed about 25 minutes later. She had been done with the tattoo for several minutes and had been muttering spells and incantations over it since then. Now it was done, and Ginny wasn't quite sure what it was. "It's a snitch that shows you the current weather wherever you're at, and the wings flap and it flies around your arm when quidditch weather is perfect." Ginny beamed, hugging her girlfriend and pecking her cheek. 
"It's so perfect, Luna. Thank you so much." she said.
"You're very welcome, Ginny." Luna grinned. Ginny looked behind them and saw a young boy, maybe 17, sitting in the waiting area.
"I'll let you get to it." she whispered, and quickly left.
"Hello there." Luna said to the boy, who nearly jumped a foot. "I guess you've never been to a tattoo parlor before?" she asked. "You look like you expect someone to pop up and kill you." she added.
"I mean, I just turned 17 yesterday, and I wanted to get this scar covered somehow." the boy said, pulling up his shirt sleeve to show a deep scar.
"From the war, huh?" Luna asked. He nodded. "Check out this one. I was your age when I got it." she said, turning the inside of her leg toward him to show her scar that ran all the way down to her ankle. However, she had tattooed butterflies and flowers down the scar to make it look like a vine. "I was held in the Malfoy Manor on orders from Lord Voldemort because I'm a friend of the famous Mr. Potter himself. Got this little souvenir." she explained. "But I made it beautiful. That's something I can do here. What do you like to do?" she asked. 
"I love to observe nature. Watching birds fly, clouds move, bugs buzz around. I also love to listen to music and play guitar." he tells her. She nods.
"Okay, so how I operate is now that you've told me what you like, I design your tattoo, give it a magical twist, and hopefully make you feel better. Is that okay or do you want to design your own?" she asked. 
"Go crazy." he shrugged. "I'm Aedan, by the way." he added after a moment.
"Hi Aedan, I'm Luna. Okay, then. I've already got an idea. Come sit down we'll prep you." she smiles.
"So... how is Harry Potter?" Aedan asked. By now the whole wizarding world knew that James and Lily had died recently, after a few years of battling several diseases they contracted in the Second War, and in interest of his own mental health, Harry hadn't left the house in weeks. He couldn't really handle answering the questions. He grew up without his parents, and they weren't reunited until his 5th year. He wasn't really sure how to handle them coming back into his life and then leaving again. He wasn't even coming to Sunday dinners. Ron or Hermione would always Floo over to Grimmauld Place after everyone had eaten, bringing a few plates of food for Harry and Draco.
"Merlin, he's.... he's dealing in his own way. They're not exaggerating when they say he hasn't left his house in weeks. He and his boyfriend are spending time together, along with his godfathers, and they're all mourning. It's been hard on everyone not seeing them. We miss them a lot, but he needs his time. On another hand, I think I'm ready to start. You ready?" she asked. Aedan nodded and she went to work.
"Ta-daaaaaaaaa!!!!" Luna sang a while later. "So it's a music note that does bird calls when you want it to, and part of the note is tattooed over your scar." she explained. Aedan smiled.
"Oh, Luna, it's incredible! Thank you so much!" he exclaimed. 
One week later
"Hey, Luna-Lu." George said, knocking on the shop door as he came in. "How's business?" he asked.
"Great! And if this is your way of asking if I can squeeze you in, then yes I can. Mondays are normally slow." she answered. George smiled. 
"This is how I know you've spent too much time around our family. You speak our language." the man chuckled.
"And so does half the people I know. Point?" Luna asked. George shrugged.
"Fair. Now. What am I getting?" he asked.
"I'll surprise you." she grinned as he sat down.
"Wrist out, Red." she ordered playfully. George obliged, and she cleaned his arm before getting to work. 
"Shit, Lovegood! That hurts." George howled.
"Gin barely flinched." Luna glanced at him.
"I was kidding." George shrugged, but still winced when the needle came back.
"Mhmm. Now shut up while I work." she grinned.
"Sir, yes, sir!" George laughed.
About an hour later, Luna was finally done.
"So I thought this Cheshire Cat smile was appropriate, knowing you, but the twist is that the mouth morphs yo match your mood, and it reads it, too, underneath the mouth. Do you like it?" she asked. George hugged her. 
"It's perfect, kiddo. Thank you so much. See you at dinner on Sunday." he grinned, walking out of the shop with his new tattoo, leaving 10 galleons on the counter.
Over the next few weeks she gave Hermione an hourglass that beat with her heart, Ron got a chess knight that hopped all over his body, Neville got a flower that told him when the time was right to plant things, and Dean and Seamus got matching clocks that ticked soundlessly to match each others' heartbeats.
One afternoon, Luna hears a lot of noises coming toward her shop, and along with that, she sees a crowd of people. She heads to the door to peer out and suddenly the crowd stops right in front of her door. All she can do is hope they're not all customers, because she's screwed if they are. Four heads bob through the crowd, and the only reason she recognizes them is the platinum blonde hair that drifts through the crowd, and the towering 190 cm(6'3") man leading the way. She opens the door, lets them inside, locks the door, and closes the shades.
"Harry fucking Potter." she sighs. "You always knew how to make an entrance." she hugged her old friend. He wasn't smiling, just nodded and sat in a waiting chair. He wasn't the same Harry anymore, she had to remind herself. He was almost like a shell of the old Harry, who was sarcastic, kind, and took her to her first ball because no one else wanted her. She could remind herself all she wanted that he was upset and that changes a person, but she didn't like it at all. "Draco, Professor Lupin, Sirius." she hugged them all as well. "What's the occasion?" she asked.
"Everyone was talking about your gorgeous tattoos and how amazing you were, so we had to come check you out ourselves." Draco responded. Remus and Sirius nodded. 
"Well then, who's first?" Luna asked. 
"Harry, love, d'you wanna go first?" Draco asked. Harry shrugged. Sirius sighed, and Remus shook his head, putting his head on top of Sirius'. Sirius whispered something, and Remus responded quietly,
"I know, darling. But we can't really help him. We weren't close with our parents. He was. We wouldn't understand and that isn't fair to him." and Sirius only nodded.
"Yeah, I guess I'll go ahead. Go wild, Luna." Harry said, walking over and sitting in the chair Luna stood next to.
"Y'know, I don't think you need anything magic. I'll still work my magic, but it won't move or anything. It'd be weird if this tattoo moved around." Luna said. Harry nodded. "The tattoo won't really change no matter where I put it. Where do you want it?" she asked. 
"I don't really care. My forearm, I guess." he shrugged. Luna nodded. 
"Alright, then let's get started." Luna said, cleaning off his arm. When the needle started moving into his skin, Harry flinched and held out his other hand. Draco reached over and grabbed it from his chair, and went on reading his book. It was a quick tattoo, it took maybe half an hour, and when Luna was done, Harry finally looked down at the tattoo and started to cry. "Are you alright, Harry?" Remus looked up and asked. Harry nodded, and reached over to hug Luna, holding tight to her. 
"Thank you." Harry whispered in her ear. She rubbed his back softly. 
"Of course, Harry." she whispered back. They let go, and Harry wiped his eyes.
"I'm fine, Remus. Just really love this tattoo." he said, showing everyone. His tattoo was a heart that was ripped apart and golden threads were sewing it back together. Everyone praised it, and then it was Draco's turn.
"Not my first tattoo, obviously. And it's never dark anymore, but I still wake up scratching at it, and I hate looking at it. Would you cover it up? I don't really care how." Draco requested. Luna smiled.
"I've got an idea." she nodded. Harry grabbed Draco's hand, and Luna got to work.
"Oh, Luna!" Draco exclaimed a while later. "This is stunning! Thank you so much!" he kissed her cheek.
"Once the ink is set, the flowers will bloom and die and bloom again according to season. During winter, poinsettias will bloom." Luna explained. 
"That's stunning, Luna. You really are talented." Remus said.
"Thank you, professor. Would you like to go next?" Luna asked. Remus shrugged, sitting where Draco was. Draco went to walk past Harry to his own seat, but Harry grabbed his wrist, standing up, letting him sit down, before sitting down on his lap and cuddling up into him. Draco looked alarmed at first, then like crying, then he just smiled and opened his book. 
"So, professor, you ready?" she asked. Remus nodded, rolling up his shirt sleeve to reveal his shoulder.
"Work your magic, kiddo." he chuckled. And once again, Luna cleaned the new needle, Remus' arm, put a spell on the ink, and went to work.
"Shit!" Remus snarled quietly. Then he laughed. "I always wondered what that first part felt like. Now I know." he shrugged the shoulder Luna wasn't working on.
"Oh, babe. You're such a wimp." Sirius laughed, wandering over. 
"You know before we walk out of here you're getting one, too." Remus reminded him. Sirius shivered, nodding. "Oh, babe. You'll be fine. You've only got, what, 7 or 8 tattoos?"
"Yeah, and I got them all before Azkaban, so almost 20 years ago." Sirius rebutted.
"Yeah, but this time it's about life now, not what you think will get me into bed back then." Remus said, before remembering they still had an audience, and blushing furiously, down his neck and chest. Harry shot straight up.
"JESUS, GUYS. Remus, TMI! Sirius, nice move. Although, I didn't need any tattoos to get Draco, so...." Harry grinned. 
"Alright, people. Now that everyone is thoroughly embarrassed, let's shut up." Draco said. 
"Well, Sirius, I hope you're over your nerves, because the professor is done. Professor, this book's pages turn rapidly when you're stressed or upset. The more worked up you are, the faster the pages turn. When you're calm, they just flip slowly." Luna explained. Remus smiled. Sirius let out a shaky breath. 
"Oh, Luna, it's amazing." Remus said.
"I'm so glad you like it!" Luna clapped. "Alright, Sirius." she singsonged. 
"Go for it, Miss Lovegood." Sirius rolled up his sleeve. After the necessary sterilization processes, she began. 
"Merlin. Huh, that tingles." Sirius said, face scrunched up in pain.
"What a damn liar." Remus said, kissing his husbands temple. "A cute liar, but a liar."
"You can insist you're fine but I just want to sit here so I'm gonna. Okay?" Remus said, and Sirius laughed.
"Well, if you insist, darling." he hissed as the needle continued threading into his skin. 
Once Luna was done, she wiped the area and said her usual spells.
"It's another mood tattoo. The hands will change colors according to your mood." she explained.
"It's so incredible, Luna. I really love it." Sirius gushed. 
"Awww, Sirius. I'm so glad you like it. I'm glad you all like yours." Luna said. 
"Hey, guys, can I say something?" Harry asked. Everyone nodded. "God, I feel like I'm giving a toast or a speech. But really I'm just saying that I know I've gone between many... unappealing, shall we say... moods these past few months. You know, angry, depressed, cry-y, whiny, angry again, withdrawn, anxious, and cry-y a little bit more. But I don't know what snapped today, but I just-- I don't want to do that anymore. You all have been so amazing with me, even though I know you were upset, too. I just.. I'm sorry and I really want to try to be better and be able to talk with you guys. Sirius, Remus, I know how hard this hit you, too. I can see it every day. Every single days, I can see how much it hurts you, and I hate that I can't help you more, but I really want to start trying to, even a little, to help you guys. You basically raised me once I started Hogwarts, and I wish I'd been there more." Harry said, walking over and hugging his godfathers. 
"I know, Harry. I know you've been grieving. It's okay. We're all going to keep getting through this." Remus promised. Harry nodded.
"And Draco. Oh, baby. I'm so, so sorry. I know I've been the worst boyfriend ever these few months, and I'm so sorry. You deserve so much better than me, and you could get it. But you keep choosing me, and I'm so grateful for that. You're the best person in the world and I'm sorry I haven't been more appreciative." he said. Draco kissed his cheek gently, and Harry rested his head on Draco's shoulder. 
"You're right, dear. You certainly don't deserve me. You deserve so much better. But you're stuck with me." Draco chuckled lightly. "And I love you, and I'll do anything for you, and that won't change. We're going to work this out, all 4 of us." Harry nodded and kissed Draco full on the mouth. 
"Alright, guys. As much as I adore you all, get out of my shop. Can't keep the place locked forever." Luna said, before things got too.. umm... heated. "Harry, love, do me favor and come visit sometimes. Going outside helps clear your head. And I'll see everyone Sunday night for dinner." Luna added, shoving them out the door. "Love you all!" she called as they dissipated into the crowd.

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