Beautiful Boy -//- Wolfstar

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Hey guys. So I know I do a lot of Wolfstar and Drarry at odd intervals, but it all depends on what kinds of inspiration I have and who I think it fits best for. Love you all!-Madds 

It was early April, a week or so after the last full moon, and Remus was upstairs asleep while James and Sirius were at breakfast talking about how Remus was doing after the last full moon. He'd gotten a nasty cut on his thigh, and it was healing well, but that had gotten James thinking.

"Y'know... I don't think I've ever seen Re completely naked?" James said offhandedly after a moment of silence. 
"I should hope not. I don't need your eyes dirtying my pure baby." Sirius laughed.

"No, Siri, think about it. When have you ever seen him completely naked ?" James asked. Sirius thought about it for a minute before realizing he hadn't. Never. 

"I.... I haven't.." he whispered. "I could swear I had.." he said after a second. He'd been Remus' boyfriend for almost 2 years, and they'd been having sex since Christmas (James will forever say they ruined Christmas), but he had never seen him completely naked. He knew why, but still, as his boyfriend and favorite person (Remus said it, not him), he still felt weird about it.

It was about midnight, and Sirius was still thinking about how to fix the situation. He didn't want to be pushy or weird, or make Remus feel like he owed him. He just wanted to see what had been hidden from him for too long. It was hard to explain, but he knew what it meant, and Remus would know, too. He had an idea. He wasn't sure if it would work, but it was an idea. He gently reached over and shook his boyfriend.

"Hey, love. Come with me. We have to be quiet." Sirius whispered.
"Mmm? Siri, it's the middle of the night.." Remus mumbled sleepily. Sirius wrapped the cloak around them and they left the dorm and went out the portrait hole.
"Shh.." Sirius said to the boy next to him, who was getting more awake by the second. Remus wasn't sure what was happening, but he followed anyway. A few minutes later, they found themselves on the Astronomy Tower. It was a warm night, but there was a slight breeze, making the boys shiver. 

"Sirius... why are we here? It's late... and dark... and this makes no sense." Remus said slowly. Sirius took off his shirt then. He walked up to his boyfriend and looked at him softly.
"Your turn, Moons." he said.
"Sex on the Astronomy Tower? Siri, this isn't really the time for sex... usually this is a midday thing..." Remus was still confused.
"No, love. Not sex. Although let's revisit that topic later." Sirius said, and Remus laughed, growing confused and a little nervous. 
"Then what?" Remus asked. Sirius looked at him, up and down, like he was figuring out a puzzle. "..oh" he whispered. Sirius held his hands. Remus looked nervously between Sirius and the door. He was scared
"Hey, it's just me. No one else. And the telescopes won't talk." Sirius promised. Remus shook his head. "Are you so... appalled... by your own body that I can't even see?" He asked. 
"I'm disgusting-"
"No you're not."
"Did James dare you to do this or something?" Remus asked softly. Sirius nearly fell over.
"Remus, no. Absolutely not. Do you think I dragged you up here to our spot to make you strip, to report back to James? You really do think highly of me, Moony." Sirius said. Remus frowned slightly. "This is you and me. No ulterior motives. Just you and me here, now." Sirius added a second later. Remus looked desperate, desperate to be open and show all of who he was and not scare Sirius away, and not be alone again. He could see it in Remus' gorgeous amber eyes. 
"They're so ugly, though..." he whispered. Sirius smiled a little, pulling Remus close. 
"Everyone's got their scars, Re. Some of us just don't have any on the outside. Sirius watched, as if in slow motion, Remus nodded and stepped back, and took off his shirt. Then, his pajama bottoms, and the rest of his clothes until all his clothes were in a pile, and there he stood. A pale, scarred angel. Sirius couldn't help it, he watched for a minute. Just looking. Remus shifted, slightly uncomfortable under Sirius' heavy stare. But Sirius really couldn't help it. Words just... they couldn't describe...
"I told you, didn't I?" Remus choked out, and Sirius' heart broke. He turned and reached for his clothes, and Sirius snapped out of it. "You can't even speak because I'm so..." 
"Remus." Sirius wasn't sure if it was his tone or how fast he'd come over and grabbed his boyfriend's hand, but Remus stopped. "You are so beautiful " he whispered. And he meant it. He'd never meant anything more in his life. And maybe Remus wanted to laugh, or call him a liar, and Sirius waited for that response, but it never came. Instead, Remus let out a shuddering breath and started crying. Sirius wiped Remus' cheeks and his own eyes, and kissing Remus' nose softly. "These scars may be your ugliest secret, but they make you more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. You are.. the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life." Sirius said, and they were both crying. Remus didn't protest when Sirius started kissing every single scar on his body, and Sirius didn't protest when Remus cried the whole time. They had the sky keeping their secrets. They'd be safe there. The sky would never tell that Sirius treated every single scar with so much love and care that Remus shook with the tears. It would never tell that never in their lives would either boy be more in love than they were that night. That they kissed for hours after Sirius had found every scar, until sunrise and they had to dress again and go back to the dorm, where Remus held Sirius tighter to him than he ever had in his life. That for the first time, Remus actually believed he was beautiful, and he felt beautiful. The sky would never tell that Remus felt more beautiful that night than he ever had in his whole life. 

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