You're Not Good Enough... You're Perfect -//- Jily

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Lily didn't mean to hear it. She really didn't. She was heading back from studying with Marlene and Mary for the big Arithmancy test on Friday, but the moment she had heard James' raised voice right around the corner from her, she stop dead in her tracks.
"Don't you dare  talk about her like that-"
"What? Can't take a little competition?" Oh God. Severus. How was she ever friends with him?
"Don't flatter yourself, Snivellus. I don't consider you compet-"
"Well you should. She hates you more than she hates anyone." Severus spits. 
'That's not true Sev. I might hate you more right now.' Lily thinks. She hears James scoff. She could picture his face, nonchalant and cool, but she knew he was probably steaming at the ears, and stepping forward, easily towering over Severus.
"In what world?" It was dangerously low, James' voice, and it was silent for a moment before he spoke again. "You lost every last chance you ever would have had in the first place the moment the word 'mudblood' crossed your lips in her direction. You're nothing to her. Not anymore." he spoke. She was touched. Even after everything she'd put him through, he was still defending her. She heard one of them start to leave, footsteps moving her way, when Severus yelled,
"You don't deserve her either, you know!"
She heard the footsteps stop, just around the corner and held her breath, careful not to make a sound. She listened as James took a shaky breath. She could picture him - running a hand through his hair. She heard something. She dared herself a peek. James had turned around, his back to her. And her heart broke - just a little - at what he said next.
"I know I don't." his voice was soft. She wanted nothing more than to reveal herself, throw her arms around him and tell him - yell  at him - that yes, yes he did of course he did. If anything she didn't deserve him.
"You're not good enough." Severus spit. 
"You're absolutely right again, Snivels." But there was not defeat in his voice. Just pity. For Severus. "But I want to be." James continued. "That's all I want. I want to make her happy. Because I love her. And - and I will... and that's a lot more than you can say."
Lily smiled softly, leaning against the stone wall.
"I just want her happy." she could almost see James' shrug. It was silent for a while before she heard the farther footsteps retreating the way they had come. Severus was finally  Lily didn't wait another moment before she was flying around the corner and running into James. She threw her arms around his neck and pressing him to the wall.
"Wha-What was that for?" James stuttered, fixing his glasses. 
"I heard that whole thing. Thank you." she said. He blushed.
"All of it?" he asked.
"No offense, James, but I wouldn't be kissing you because I thought of you as a friend." she says.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this." James says, and they walk out of the library, hand in hand.

Later, at dinner, when no one knew yet about their library time, James climbed on top of the table, like he did every few months, and everyone knew what was coming.
"LILY EVANS, WILL YOU PLEASE  GO OUT WITH ME?" he yelled. Everyone had their hands over their eyes, knowing he was going to embarrass himself yet again. But they weren't expecting Lily Evans, lovely, perfect, Potter-Hating Lily Evans to climb up next to him and stand on the table, too. She looked around at all the stunned faces. The teachers. Professor Dumbledore looked like he was watching his favorite program, and Professor McGonagall looked confused. The House Tables. Hufflepuff faces looked interested. Ravenclaws looked excited and like they'd all won or lost a bet. The Gryffindors were watching with bated breath. The Slytherins were watching because they were probably bored. Severus. He looked like he was ready to cast a killing curse. She looked him in the eyes, and he looked hopeful. And shook her head, ever so slightly, and turned to James.
"Well, why wouldn't I?" she asks loudly, and suddenly her whole word consists of James. His hair. His lips. His arms around her waist. The whole Great Hall erupts in cheers. It must shake the whole castle. Severus - why does she still call him that? - Snape looks like casting an Unforgivable Curse right there. Sirius, Remus, Peter, Marlene, and Mary are cheering below, and even the teachers are clapping. She rests her head on James for a second and swears she catches Professor Slughorn pass 5 Galleons down to McGonagall. They get off the table and the Hall eventually starts dying down. But James is glowing. So is she, she guesses.
"What? How did this happen?" Everyone asks as they head back from dinner.
"I just knew we weren't ready yet. He wasn't ready. He's perfect now. And so am I." Lily would say.
When they reached the common room, they sat on the big armchair before Remus and Sirius could.
"Why would you think you aren't good enough for me, by the way?" Lily asks, with her head on James' shoulder.
"Because I'm not." James answered. She sat up.
"You know what? You're not good enough...." Lily said, and James sat up quickly. She grinned. "You're absolutely perfect." she said, kissing him.

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