Chapter Three: Little Miss Sunshine

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Halfway through calculating the net force of a ball in a conical pendulum, my phone illuminated on the corner of my desk in violent shudders. I would have ignored it like I usually did, but picked it up anyway, grateful for a break.

Father Harrison to Margarine Is Yum:
'Y did my mum just assault me with hugs?'

I opened my phone with a wry smile and typed a reply.

Sister Sarah:
'not feeling the love?'

I watched the two circular icons drop beside my message instantly, and I waited for the replies.

Brother Matthew:
'this is what happens when ur sick harry'
'you miss the big stuff'

Father Harrison:
'what happened? mum thinks I've got depression or something.'

Brother Matthew:
'Clara killed herself'

Father Harrison:
'oh shit.'

I hesitated, not sure if I wanted to add anything. I could tell they both were waiting for me to say something, show that I was okay. My fingers began to shake, my heart chilling in an all too familiar way.

Sister Sarah:

I waited for someone to say more, but nobody did. I put down my phone slowly, letting it thump onto the desk. I picked up my pen to continue my homework, when my phone lit up again.

Call from Harry

I picked up the phone and hovered my thumb over the accept button. I let it ring a moment longer, preparing myself with a deep breath.

"Hey," I said, answering it and putting it on speaker. I stood from my desk and walked the two feet to my bed, flopping down lazily.

"Hey," came Harry's deep voice, crackling over the bandwidth. I always had to listen carefully when calling Harry - he was hard to understand.

"I know what you're going to say," I said, putting all the grim humour into my voice as I could, ensuring him that I really was fine, "And I'm okay. Seriously."


"Actually, I was going to ask if you could lend me twenty quid."


"Much appreciated. But seriously, are you sure you're fine?"

"Very much so."

We were silent, and I could tell he wasn't sure what to say. Neither was I.

"It's so weird, thinking about it," he offered, and I nodded despite the fact that he couldn't see me. I added an agreeable 'mm'.

"It's like, one day people are here, and then they're gone. How can someone be so alive one moment, and so dead the next."

I didn't respond, letting his words run like sludge through my conscience.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so morbid."

"No, it's okay. You're right."

Harry was quiet, and I could tell he was treading on eggshells, searching for something to say. I sighed and decided to stop him before he made a fool of himself.

"Hey, Harry?"


"I'm really okay. I promise."

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