Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Social Network

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What had I done?

"I don't know what you did, Sarah," said Will's tired voice.

Did I say that out loud?

It was one in the afternoon, and I'd just woken up. Bright grey sky hung in a stark sheet above my house, blinding me as I curled further into my covers.

"Yes," Will's voice groaned through the phone, "You did. You're thinking aloud, Sarah. That's what happens when you get anxious about things."

"As in, when I get anxious or when people in general get anxious?" I said. I was saying anything and everything, just to keep him on the phone with me. It felt like he was the only person I had left in the entire world, and I clung to him.

"Just you."

I laughed deliriously, and then stopped myself short, "Seriously, Will. I don't think they'll ever forgive me. I didn't mean hardly anything I said last night."

"Then tell them that," said Will. I gave a flustered wail.

"When? I'm not going to beg for their forgiveness at school."

"Tonight. Jacob's party," said Will. I smacked my forehead as I remembered.

"Oh my god. I definitely can't show my face to that."

Will sucked in through his teeth, "Sarah you can't just keep avoiding them," he reasoned, "And besides, you have to come anyway. Jacob invited you for a reason."

"Because I'm your girlfriend," I said.

"No. Because you're always the life of the party," Will corrected. I smiled despite myself.

"Fine." I gave in. "I'll come."

I always wonder if things would be different now if I'd just stayed home.

I always wonder if things would be different now if I'd just stayed home

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