Chapter Thirty-Five: Enemy Mine

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Will braked violently out the front of the emergency room, and he opened the door on my side. I got out. Thea was more conscious now and was able to get out of the car with assistance from Shiloh.

The ER staff took her almost instantly, and one nurse asked me what had happened as they sped her off in a wheelchair.

"Rape," I said. The nurse nodded and wrote something down on her clipboard.

"Are you sure?"

I narrowed my eyes at her, "Of course I'm sure," I said, my shaking nerves finding solace in lashing out at the first person to test me, "Do you think I just throw that term around like it's a joke?"

The nurse backed off slightly, "No, I'm sorry. We just want to know if there was a witness."

"What are you, the police?" I said hotly. I felt Will behind me.

The nurse gave me a pointed look, "I have all I need," and walked after Thea. Shiloh tugged gently at my sleeve for us to go into the waiting room.

We sat on uncomfortable chairs against the grimy off-white walls. I looked out the window and saw only my reflection against the black of the night. The fluorescent lights in the hospital hurt my eyes, but I couldn't help but huff in amusement at the sight of us. Shiloh sitting with her ankle resting on her thigh in wide-set bowie pants and hoop earrings, me leaning against her and propping my legs on Will's in a black slip dress and denim jacket. Will played with the hem of his long sleeve shirt as though it would make time pass quicker.

We waited for what felt like hours, and at some point I fell asleep. Will shook me awake, and I banged my head against the arm of Shiloh's chair. I scowled loudly as I sat up and rubbed my head.

"We can go see her now," Will said.

I remembered where I was and felt an icy chill run through me. I wondered how much of it she remembered. Did she remember me watching on helplessly, not doing anything to stop him?

I followed the nurse down the corridor, Shiloh and Will behind me.

"She's had her stomach pumped," explained the nurse, looking back at us occasionally, "We took some tests to get the..." he trailed off, "violations on record. For legal purposes. She's not talking to us, so we haven't been able to contact her parents. Do either of you know her parents' numbers?"

All three of us shook our heads. The nurse gestured to a closed off area, separated from the rest of the ER with white and blue-dotted curtains. He opened the curtain and we stepped inside, and then he left us alone. I turned to Shiloh and Will as my heart began to pound.

"Is it okay if I talk to her first?" I muttered, hoping they saw how desperate I was. Will nodded and followed Shiloh back through the curtains.

Thea lay in a thin cotton hospital gown, make up amazingly untouched. She was propped up slightly, and looked at me through lidded eyes.

"Hey," I said gently. Thea let her head fall back onto her pillow and watched me come closer. I sat down in the chair beside her.

"How do you feel?"

Thea's bottom lip trembled, and her eyes began to well up.

"What happened to me, Sarah?"

I swallowed.

"Why are you here? Why isn't my family here? Why aren't my friends here?" She cried, and I felt my chest clench.

"I'm sorry," I said, "Thea, I'm sorry. We just wanted to help you. You were..." I trailed off, not sure how to say it. "You were-"


I blinked. Thea's eyes continued to water, but she held my gaze firmly, "I know."

I was speechless. What could one say, in times like these?

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, "it's not your fault you brought me here and my friends didn't."

I wasn't sure what to make of that statement. I stayed silent for a while.

"They want to call your parents," I said finally, "Do you want me to give them their number? Or do you want me to call them?"

Thea let her head roll to the other side as she stared into the distance. "Can you, please?"

I got up and pulled out my phone, opening up to where I still had Thea's mum's number saved - evidence of another life. I made to leave her there, but she stopped me as I put my hand on the curtain.

"Sarah?" she said, and I turned around, "Thank you. For stopping him."

I felt a familiar lump rise up my throat, finding it difficult to speak. I nodded, and opened the curtains.

 I nodded, and opened the curtains

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