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she-who-must-not-be-named | seven

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she-who-must-not-be-named | seven

that's right. take deep breaths.

if you are giving a running commentary of my actions, you must be here in the parking lot.

i knew you were reckless, but i didn't know you were dumb.

did you just call me dumb?

duh. what makes you think i'll hang around in the parking lot, where you can find me?

that makes sense. 

of course it does *flips hair*

now give my baby back.


my ray bans, girl!

oh, that thing.


i'll give them to you, all in a good time

i said, give them to me

well, technically, you didn't say. you texted.

. . .

so, you want your ray bans back?


well then, it is simple.

you gotta earn them back

earn them?

yup, earn them.

what the fuck do you mean?

well, i have been observing you, and i have come to the conclusion that you have been a bad, bad boy

what do you have to say to that, tylers?

nothing, other than the fact that i will smash your skull if you don't return it.

see? all this violence. . .

what if i show it on your 'baby'?


you might want to sit down, tylers

 you look pale

what do you want me to do?

to earn them


you have to talk to me when ever i want

ah, the hulk-smash look is back

if i listen to you, will you give them back to me?

anytime, even midnight?

oh, i will.

then yes

can you handle me?

i'm still sane, am i not?

that should account for something.

touche, tylers, touche

who wants to see magic?

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who wants to see magic?


simple. see that grey star? yes, that one.

now press it.

it turned orange, didn't it? ;)

over and out, am.

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