33 || oh, she's your woman now?

635 51 55

seven | amanda [real life convo]

'what the fuc-fish?'

'you really don't remember?'

'no, mom, i don't.'

'don't interrupt me while i narrate your beautiful love story, then.'

'. . .'

'too much?'


'stop whining like a girl.'

'i'm not doing that.'

'whatever you say, sev. so, can i start?'

'please do.'

'i think you guys were six, or something. you and park were playing ball while her and lily, the gil next door were playing with grandpa.'

'lily? the girl with those blonde pigtails?'

'you remember lily, but not her?'

'uh. . .'

'boys. anyways, you both went to see what those three were doing. lily and her were having a fake marriage, while grandpa was acting as the priest. your girl-'

'she's not mine.'

'as i was saying before you rudely interrupted me, she was playing bride, and lily was the groom. when grandpa came to the part, the one where he asks if everybody is okay with the marriage, and if so to hold their peace, you went screaming to grandpa.'

'you're making this up.'

'i'll bet my money that she remembers it.'


'exactly. so, grandpa asked you what was wrong, and you said that you were the one who loved her and you should be marrying her. and immediately, we had a not-so-faux wedding after a few minutes.'

'no way.'

'all way. park was your best man, and lily the maid-of-honor. you guys actually exchanged tiny glass rings, and even kissed!'

'mom, not funny.'

'oh, really?'


'then mind explaining where the glass ring in your key chain came from?'

'i honestly have no idea. i don't know why, it seemed important to me.'

'you know now.'

'mom, quit smiling. it's creepy.'

'it's cute!'


'. . .'

'why are you blushing? your wife is calling you, right?'

'all the women in my life are born to embarrass me, i swear.'

'oh, she's your woman now?'

'. . .'

'seven, i'm sorry! i swear i won't laugh, come back!'


sorry for the late update, i guess?

i hope it was cute enough, it's my favorite chapter!

oh, and thank you for the 450+ reads!

keep voting, commenting & sharing!

and i almost forgot! i started a new book on my other account thevellichorist called blood & ink, would you mind checking it out?

and i almost forgot! i started a new book on my other account thevellichorist called blood & ink, would you mind checking it out?

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^.^, rai <3

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