41 || rova.t

607 43 23

rova | seven

incoming call from rova.t

'missed me that much?'

'seven. are you sure?'

'about what?'

'us. you sure you want to be in a relation? i mean, isn't it rushed?'

'rova, can i say something?'

'you'll say it anyway.'

'right. i liked you as a kid, okay? that's why i kinda married you.'


'when you texted me, i was highly annoyed at first. but i slowly got to like you. i never showed the same level of friendliness, the one i'm showing now, because my heart was struck with the unknown sister of park.'

'whose name you forgot.'

'whose name i forgot.'

'so, when you figured it was me-'

'i decided to be honest.'

'which is?'

'i like you, okay? i like you a lot. and this is long overdue, don't you think?'


'so, be my girlfriend?'

'yes, mr. unromantic.'

'thank you, miss. future taylors.'


'. . .'

'stop laughing.'

'okay. see you tomorrow?'

'see you tomorrow.'


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