27 || park

630 52 20

it has been a few days since seven and the unknown girl started talking to each other again. seven was strangely pleased; he liked her company. sometimes, he even forgot that he was talking to her cause she was keeping his raybans hostage, and showed her the side no one sees.

not at the moment, no. at the moment, he was at school, surrounded by the judging stares. whispers floated around him, but he blocked it all. he was used to this. but today, he was unnerved. he couldn't keep his emotions in check, which resulted in his face carrying an expression of anger.

but to be honest, he wasn't angry. he was just tired, sad and lonely. not known to any, today was the tenth death anniversary of his best friend. the last thing he wanted to be was alone, but he didn't want to talk to her and risk their. . .whatever they had with his foul mood.

with a scowl, he pulled open his locker, sending the couple standing beside his locker scampering away. closing his eyes, he took in a pained breath, trying not to think about park, his friend. he opened his eyes, eyebrows then screwing in confusion at a bag that was out of the place in his locker.

it was a brown paper bag, the type you get in drive-thru restaurants. still staring at it, he put the extra books in the locker, before grabbing the bag and slamming the locker shut. a few people around jumped at the loud sound, but didn't dare say anything. something twisted in seven's gut, but he shook it off and made his was out of school.

the whole day, seven had brought thunder to the school. that explained how everyone kept out of his way, lowering their eyes when he passed by. as much as he tried, it hurt. he wasn't so bad, he wasn't that malicious. he didn't understand why people were scared of him. right. he was found at the wrong place in a wrong time, that's what happened.

cursing, he unlocked his car and threw his backpack in, before sliding into the driver seat. leaning forward, he leaned his head against the steering wheel, screwing his eyes shut. he didn't want to cry here. no, the tears were meant to be freed in the privacy of his bedroom, enveloped in the darkness of the night.

it hurt. it hurt a lot. losing a best friend is like losing an integral part of yourself. suddenly, it's like an arm, or a leg, or an eye missing. nothing seems the same, and the world look less colorful than before. and seven hated it.

sitting up straight, he stretched his neck and rolled his shoulders. out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the paper bag. sighing, he picked it up and brought it to his nose. sniffing, he closed his his eyes when a sugary, familiar scent filled his nostrils, his mouth watering slightly.

unable to believe it, he opened the bag and almost smiled when his eyes spied the bag full of marshmallows. fluffy, pink marshmallows that reminded him of the clouds during sunset and sunrise.

he just stared at the bag, his mind cartwheeling as he wondered who gave them, and how did it get into his locker? and just on the day when he needed comfort? coincidence? he thinks not.

before he could do anything, his phone pinged. shaking his head, he reached for his phone in the bag, while it pinged again. he rolled his eyes when he saw the mystery girl messaged him.

there was a voice recording, and then a message which read;

plug in your earphones, and listen, okay?

for a minute, the possibility of her opening up to him struck him, but he dismissed it immediately. there was no way she was going to do it this way. yes, he didn't know her well, but he had a feeling that she would confess to him when they actually met.

sighing, he fished his earphones from the front pocket of his jeans, and plugged it into the respective socket. taking a deep breath, he pressed play.


13 reasons why feels, anyone?

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