15 || i'm not blushing

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she-who-must-not-be-named | diana 

[this is a real life conversation]


'diana. go away.'

'but i want to play with you!'

'one, my name is not honey. two, i'm busy.'

'busy doing what? blushing?'

'for a seven year-old, you are quite the smartass.'

'all because of my sweet elder sister.'

'yeah, yeah. i'm not stupid to be dragged into another tea party of yours.'

'you are mean.'

'all because of my sweet younger sister.'

'i bet sexy sev will join me. he's nice.'


'you were blushing because of him, weren't you?'

'i don't know where you got that stupid idea from.'

'why are you hiding your phone?'

'you brat, get off me! uff-'

'ah! no, don't-ouch!'

'give it back, diana!'


'why are you smirking?'

'nice picture. are you going to make it your wallpaper?'

'go away.'

'there you are, blushing again.'

'i'm not blushing!'

'it's okay, i approve.'


'yeah. i don't mind you guys being a couple.'

'diana, for the last time, i don't like him.'

'i didn't say you did.'

'. . .'

'looks like he's calling you, so i'm going to go.'

'i'll get you back for that.'


wtf am i writing?

the picture in the media section is how i imagine diana to be. she's cute, right?

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