44 || we were-

575 41 23

rova | seven | diana


'i'm trying!'


'i'm trying, okay? not my fault it's this snug.'

'so you are saying this is my fault?'

'technically yes, as this belongs to you.'

'almost there!'


'agh! i told you i was almost there! why did you stop?'


'what is happening here?'

'where did you come from?'

'you guys were screaming and making weird noises, so i came to check.'

'we were-'

'does she need to know?'

'well, yes!'

'she knows about us, right? it wouldn't hurt.'

'yeah, right. tell her then.'

'i asked him to lift the mattress to check if the receipt was there. he was beside me, but wasn't pushing it high enough! it was falling on me.'


'yeah, and then when i almost snagged a piece of paper i saw, he wasn't pushing it fast enough and it fell on me.'

'can you stop pouting? i'm supposed to be angry at you, and you are making it hard for me.'

'. . .'

'excuse me! there's a kid standing right here, so please stop making out!'

'get out, you little minx-oomph!'

'the receipt.'

'did you just push me off the bed, sev?'

'what was the receipt for, again?'

'for his raybans. i gave it to get it repaired, not that anything was wrong with it.'

'didn't you put it in cabinet in the kitchen?'

'um. . .'

'i didn't know my girlfriend suffered from amnesia.'

'i'll get it for you, you guys continue making out.'


'your sister is very cooperative.'


hey cacti!

i started a new book called golden roses, feel free to check it out.

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