5 || who are you?

743 48 27

she-who-must-not-be-named | seven

same day, 7 am

"oh god, what is this?"

51 new messages from sev

"what's wrong with his ass?"

she went through the messages, which were along the lines of  'you can't sleep' 'i'll murder you' 'why do you have my picture?' 'do we know each other?' 'ash, are playing a prank on me?'

she chuckled to herself, thinking about how fickle minded humans can be. even though she hated the fact that he forgot the things he didn't want to remember that easily, she was looking forward to make him wonder who she was.

she picked up the frame on the bedside table, gazing at the picture with a sad smile on her face, before putting it back with a sigh.

it was time to face the music.

A N 

it's shit, i know.

but bear with me!

love, rai.

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