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"this ice cream shop has become pretty special," he mused, swirling his ice cream around. "why so?" the girl beside him asked.

he leant back in his seat, and put an arm around her. "well, a lot happened here. i saw you here, we had many dates and fights, and i don't know, it just feels-"

"right?" she interrupted, leaning into him. he nodded, and ate another spoonful of his ice cream. "hey anthony, can we buy your ice cream shop?" she hollered, and ducked to avoid the rag that sailed at her head. anthony, the owner, glared at her in mock anger. 

laughing, she turned back to her boyfriend, whose chest was rumbling underneath her with laughter. smiling, she resumed working on her bubblegum ice cream. 

"i never told you how i found you, right?" he nodded, and she exhaled loudly. "neither about how i came to be adopted." he nodded again. "the good story or the bad story first?"

"the bad," he said gently, aware that it was a sensitive topic and she trusted him a lot now than before. they took their time finishing their respective treats, before she got up and pulled him with her. "let's go on a walk."

as they walked, hand in hand, seven couldn't help but wonder how lucky he was to find her again. he was ready to listen to whatever she said.

"my mom and dad disowned me."

except that.

he made some disgruntled sound, confused, and she squeezed his hand. "they blamed me for park's death." he opened his mouth to protest, but she didn't give him the chance.

"i know it wasn't, but they did. so, they disowned me. and i ended up being adopted by the trace family. Diana was born after they adopted me."

"oh." oh? that's all you can say, you fucking moron? he cursed himself silently, but rova giggled, as if expecting this. she didn't seem disturbed or sad. that's my girl.

"a few years ago, they tracked me down. even asked me to come back. i refused to. and no, i don't regret it." she answered his unasked question.

it kind of made sense. her parents always liked park better, and her adopted parents probably treated her better. 

"and that's it. we moved to this town. just in time for me to start high school."

he nodded, not knowing what to say. as if she expected this, she continued speaking. "hey, it's kind of funny, the story of how i found you."

"uhuh," he said, putting an arm around her. "remember, your locker used to be beside that asshole guy, travis or something?" he slowly nodded his head. "yeah, for gym. how do you know?"

she laughed. "okay, i never really paid attention to the gossip mill, so i never really noticed there was a seven in the school. even though i saw you, i didn't recognise you."

she laughed again. "one day, travis was bullying the chess club, and that pissed me off  okay?" she laughed again, and he laughed too, because her laugh was infectious that way.

"i sneaked into the boys locker room to coat his clothes with itching powder." she finally gave up trying to control herself and laughed, though they were drowned in my loud chuckles. "that was you?" he managed.

she nodded, before wiping a stray tear. "anyway, you came in while i was there, so i hid under the bench. biggest mistake of my life, it was stinking!" i couldn't help chuckling again. 

"you opened your locker, and i saw the picture of us three." she looked me, checking if i understood.

"ah. . ." he said slowly, understanding. it was a picture of those three at some park, and it was his favorite. 

"i saw that, and after you left, broke into your locker, and then saw the raybans, which i recognised. and the rest is history."

"woah," i managed. "wait, if you did that to defend the chess club, why didn't you stop the girl from being bullied? you know, the one in the hallway." 

she smiled mischievously. "i wanted to see if you changed, or still were the guy i admired as a kid."

pulling her to a stop, he turned her to face him. "am i?"

she put her arms around his neck and kissed him in response. her lips were soft, still tasting like bubblegum. his hands automatically went to her waist, and pulled her closer. "i love you," he muttered against her lips, and could feel hers smile against his.

"me too, my lameo, me too."

"did you have to ruin the moment by adding lameo?" a shrill voice startled both of them, and they jumped apart.

"diana? you little runt, why do you keep interrupting?" seven mock glared at the little girl, who smiled lazily. "please, i was the one who got you guys together."

"eh." he grunted, and picked her up, hoisting her on his shoulders. she squealed, locking her arms around his head. "thank you, then." she laughed, and winked at rova, who was clicking a picture.

"can you do me a favor?" she asked shyly, and seven hummed along. "there's this guy at school, and i like him, so will you help me?"

rova had to laugh at seven's reaction to diana's unusual request. he calmly put her down, bent down to her level and said two words, "absolutely. not."

diana glared at him, before kicking him in the shin, and ran away. "steal his special something!" he said after her, laughing.

"and hopefully his heart," he murmured, taking rova's hand his. "hey, either works."

he laughed at what she said. "yeah, it does."


and that's the end.

thank you to everyone who made this possible!

i am thinking of a spin-off for diana, but i am not sure. if i do, it'll be something like her something something. keep a look out!

love, rai.

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