12 || are we friends?

668 52 44

she-who-must-not-be-named | seven

incoming call from idiot

'hello, is this seven?'

'please don't tell me you've killed that angel.'

'i wish.'

'she's sweet, unlike you.'

'look, i get you don't like me. no need to make it that obvious.'


'i'll return your raybans, and then we're done. okay?'

'you are an idiot.'


'if i really wanted you out of my life, i'd trace you and out. but i'm keeping you around, am i not?'

'yeah, but that doesn't mean-'

'hey duffer?'


'text me tonight, okay?'

'woah, hold your horses. i know i'm irresistible, but seriously? don't you think it's too soon?'

'aaaand she's back.'


'. . .'

'. . .'

'but if i'm being honest, i'm surprised you and diana share the same blood.'

'well, we don't.'

'aren't you sisters?'

'i'm adopted.'


'dude, chill. i didn't say i have cancer.'

'maybe that would be good. ah, to dream. . .'

'can i ask you something?'


'are we friends?'

'. . .maybe.'


*beep* call ended

'of course he cut the call. stupid boys.'


hey, you lovely cacti! how are you doing today?

is this going too fast? or is it just perfect?

i'd love to hear from my cacti

<3, rai

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