19 || made it my wallpaper

633 50 12

she-who-must-not-be-named | seven

i hate you

i thank you, and you hate me?

no, because of your stupid face

care to explain?


diana saw you


she saw your picture a few days ago


and now saw you in the diner

you guys were here?

no, at the grocery store opposite

oh, and?

now she wants to meet you!

how old is she again?


yeah, that's me

no, she's seven!


xD xD

xD xD

you really saw me?

yeah, she even took a picture before you went in

and made it my wallpaper

sure it wasn't you?


you didn't change it, did you?

she isn't letting me

yeah, right

send me the picture?

idiot sent an image

idiot sent an image

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it's creepy

like you made me look at you to take the pic

don't flatter yourself

you were smiling at the dogs

ah, i remember now

of course, typical of you to recognise and remember your family

that was the lamest ever


still convinced i'm ugly?

[read, 11:49 am]

try a little harder

maybe i'll agree with you ;)

[delivered, 12:00 pm]

[read, 12:13 pm]

challenge accepted.  

[read, 12:14 pm]  


ah, i'm tired.

bye, cacti!

<3 rai

p.s isn't he cute?

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