21 || fuck, what did i do?

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seven | diana

incoming call from unknown

'hello, is this seven speaking?'

'yes. who is this?'

'sev, it's me diana!'


'i believe that's what i said.'

'you sass too much for a seven year old.'

'thank my sister.'

'you bet i will. what's the matter? this isn't your sister's number, right?'

'no, i wrote it down from her phone, so i could call you on my terms.'

'and why is that?'

'cause you're nice and sweet, and you're my friend.'

'. . .'

'dude, are you sniffling?'

'no. tell me your sister's name, won't you?'

'she told me i shouldn't.'

'dang it. does she know you're talking to me?'

'no. and that reminds me, what did you say to my sister?'


'yes, yesterday night. you guys texted, didn't you? she was fine until dinner. but the next morning, she looked like she went through hell.'

'language, kid.'

'whatever. so, what happened?'

'nothing much, a small misunderstanding.'

'well, that small misunderstanding sent my sister into a nightmare frenzy, taylors.'

'what are you talking about?'

'my sister is not exactly fine. and yesterday, something triggered her anxiety.'

'god, i had no fucking idea.'

'language, dude.'

'using my words on me?'

'you know it.'

'what happened?'

'its not my story to tell. but if you ask her, she may tell you.'

'we're not friends, we dislike each other.'

'think again. i gotta go.'

'hey kid-'

*beep* call ended

"fuck, what did i do?"

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