02 | maybe

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TO: kim.taehyung
SUBJECT: maybe


it's been a couple weeks since i last saw you, but the necklace hanging around my neck feels just as heavy as when we first broke up. i can't bring myself to get rid of it, not after everything we've been through. sometimes i find myself wondering if you still have your half too.

it's comforting to think that perhaps now that i'm gone, your silver-plated and jagged heart has made you realize how much you miss me.

i know it's probably just wishful thinking, but my heartache hurts a little less if i believe it's true, that what we had wasn't just something you threw away and then forgot about.

maybe our necklaces didn't have to be so different than they were in the beginning.

maybe they could fit again.


saved as a draft
october 9

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