11 | still do

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TO: go.dahee
SUBJECT: still do


these past few days, these past few months, have been hell as i've had to see jimin a lot more often than i'd like to.

it wasn't always like that. i was happy that you were moving on, that you would forget about me, because i could never love you the way you wanted me to.

but somewhere along the loneliness and sleepless nights, all i could think about was how much of an idiot i was - am. i get these urges to call you, to hug you.

i can't, i know. you have jimin now.

so the only way i could think of telling you everything was in emails. that way you'd never get them, and i could have a moment to myself where i don't have to pretend that i don't love you anymore.

because i still do.


saved as draft
december 1

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