20 | how you felt

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TO: go.dahee
SUBJECT: how you felt


how's america? is it better because i'm not there? is that why you left? because you couldn't stand to be in the same country as me anymore?

apparently you've been there since mid december, and i never knew about it until now. if i thought there was any chance of me healing, its long gone now that my heart has been torn out of my chest.

this is probably how you felt.



dead inside.

completely worthless.

its like my soul is shattered around me like broken glass, and i know that if i did absolutely anything the they would only dig deeper into the fresh, open wounds, leaving scars that would never disappear. they'd be a painful reminder, a story i plead to forget.

and now that you're gone, so is my hope that things could be different.

why did you decide to leave when i was finally gaining the courage to fix everything between us, but i guess i deserve it, don't i?


saved as a draft
december 31

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