22 | the truth

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TO: go.dahee
SUBJECT: the truth


the truth is my heart always belonged to you. i could never love someone else because its always been yours. even now, though you're on the other side of the world, you still have it because i don't want anyone else but you.

you probably think i'm lying. i don't blame you. everything, well mostly everything, i've ever said to you were deceptions to how i really felt. even i had started to believe them from how often and easily they left my lips, but no matter how much i bury it, i know the truth.

i know i still love you.

sometimes if i close my eyes and picture you beside me, holding my hand and resting your head on my shoulders, its almost like you're still here, like you never left. its soothing, but when i open my eyes, the guilt and pain quickly returns.

my mistakes have finally caught up to me and i'm facing the consequences yet i still feel like its not enough. it's nothing compared to what i put you through.


january 4

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