23 | needed you

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TO: go.dahee
SUBJECT: needed you


there was more than one girl i was with during the span of our entire relationship. it wasn't just your best friend. as much as i hate to admit it, i feel that its something you need to know. but i don't want you to think that i'm sending this to cause you pain or to make you despise me more, although you have every right to. i'm sending this in hopes that maybe once you know everything you can understand where i'm coming from, and why i did what i did.

i'm in no way saying that my reasoning for it makes the situation any better. nothing can, because cheating isn't something to be justified or accepted. what i did was wrong, and no explanation can change that.

there would be days when we wouldn't see each other. days i was either traveling with the band or days you had to work. i just couldn't stand the loneliness so i drowned myself in other women to rid my fear even if only for a short while.

i tried so hard to hide my flaws from you because if you found out who i really was then you'd leave me. i was just too stupid, too blind, to see that i didn't need those women, i just needed you.


january 5

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