05 | a different light

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TO: kim.taehyung
SUBJECT: a different light


a brief moment of happiness overcame me today, making me forget you for a split second. but no sooner had that happened, i remembered you once more, and the sorrow came in like a tsunami, crushing my uplifted spirit.

the worse part is jimin was the one who had gotten me to live a little, even if only for a short while.

he told me that even though i was treading rough waters, the ocean would soon calm, and i'd be able to swim safely to shore. he promised i'd be happier then. i smiled at the thought of finally being free from drowning - an effect from when you left.

suddenly the waves weren't trying to push me under the tide anymore, and i saw jimin in a different light. one i used to see you in.


saved as a draft
october 18

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