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Camila looked in the rear view mirror, watching her ten year old son Dan play on his Ipad. When she focused back on the road, Camila took in the beautiful landscape. The long and wide fields next to her reminded her of the times she helped in her mother and fathers farm. She sighed as she remembered why she was driving here. She wanted to get away from home. Well what they called home. Camila has been married to Ariana for 8 years, but when she accidentally took Ariana's phone instead of hers to work, she was surprised.  Some chick called Taylor was constantly sending her text messages asking when they could meet up again. Camila cried out her tears and decided she needed a get away. And here she was sitting in her car with her son, driving around in Miami.

Camila pulled up on the driveway of her mother's farm, she got the suitcases out of the trunk as her mother stopped her. 

"Oh mija! Camila give me a hug!" her mother, Sinu exclaimed as she hugged Camila tightly. 

"Hi ma, I was just getting our suitcases out of the car." She mumbled against her mother's neck, already smelling her famous perfume. 

"Darling, I hired someone to do that. Now where's my grandson?!" Sinu clapped her hands exciting and walked towards the passenger side of the car. 

"He's still in the car." Camila mumbled as she closed the trunk again, without getting out her suitcases. 

"Dan, please get out of the car." Camila said as soon as she opened the cardoor. Camila sighed as she noticed his headphones and tapped his shoulders. The ten year old looked up and mumbled, "I almost won." before getting off his headphones. 

"Dan, we arrived, get out of the car, please." Camila said and walked back to her mother. 

"Where's Leo?" Camila asked as she looked around for her golden retriever. Sinu laughed, "Still adoring the animals, I see. I think Alejandro is taking him for a walk." 

"How is dad?" Camila asked softly and frowned her eyebrows.

"He's fine, he's a little dissapointed in you because it's been so long since you visited us." Sinu said with a sad smile. 

"Ma, you know I was busy with work and Dan." Camila sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Mija, we know but you know how he is. He would like to see his little girl everyday, everytime." Sinu and Camila laughed. 

"Hi Abuela." Dan said softly as he kept his Ipad close to his chest. 

"Mi chico!" Sinu quickly gave him a tight hug, "How have you been?" 

"I'm good abuela, how about you?" Camila's son said politly.

Sinu raised her eyebrow to her daughter, "How polite... you raised him good mija."

"I've been going to the best school in Los Angeles Abuela!" 

Camila's hands wrapped around a warm cup of coffee as soon as she sat down in the kitchen. Her son quickly ran to the living room. When she looked around in the kitchen, it hasn't changed much than the last time she came to visit her parents. The cabinets and counters were still in the ugly dark wood and her mother still used her old coffee machine instead of the new one that Ariana bought her for Christmas. As Camila sipped of her black coffee she cringed by the strength of it.

"So Mija, tell me what's going on? Why are you here?" Her mother said in front of her and leaned her elbows on the table. Camila placed her cup of coffee in front of her on the old wooden table and sighed deeply. 

"I think Ariana has been cheating on me." She says softly as she hung her head down.

Her mother's eyes widened and she frowned her eyebrows, "Why do you think that Camila, she's so sweet and good for you and Daniel." Camila sighed, "I read some texts of another woman to Ariana that weren't appropriate ma." Her mother gasped and placed a hand on her chest, "Oh , Dios mío! What will Ale say? He liked her alot!" 

"Mama! Papi doesn't need to know about this!" Camila said quickly and sipped on her coffee.

"Dios mio, you need something stronger than that coffee! Let me get some wine!" Her mother got up and grabbed some wine bottle of the counter and two large classes. As she poured in the red wine, the wooden front door creaks and she reconized her father's heavy footsteps on the wooden floor that also creaks. 

"Mi hija!" He yelled as he laughed and walked towards his daughter. Camila smiled and gave her father a long hug. "I missed you dad." She whispered. Alejandro smiled through his teary eyes, "I missed you too Mija. Where have you been? We haven't seen you for two years." Alejandro leaned out of the hug and smiled at his only, beautiful, daughter. 

"You know.. been busy with Dan, work and Ariana..." Camila nearly whispered the last one.

"Oh right, my daughter in law, how is she?" Ale asks as he poured some coffee in a cup that read, Greatest dad in the world, Camila once made in third grade.

"She's... fine.." Camila said as she looked at her mother for support, who only gave her a sad smile. 

"Now where is my grandson?! I can't wait to show him around!" He placed his already empty cup in the sink and wiped of his mouth. 

"He's in the living room, I'm not sure he wants to help you dad, he's been into a game on his tablet and I can't seem to get him of it." 

"Well, watch and learn." Her dad said with a smirk and clapped in his hands before he took of to the living room.

"You need to tell him Karla." Camila cringed at the name her mother used and sighed deeply and emptied her wine glass before she spoke, "I can't mom, he likes her so much. She's the perfect daughter in law to him." 

"Look Mija, one way or another he's gonna get to know it. If you won't tell him, someone else will." 

"Mom, I swear, If you tell him I-"

"Hello Mrs. Cabello." A raspy but yet gentle voice filled her ears, Camila quickly turned around as her eyes landed on a beautiful woman. 

"Oh hi Lauren!" Camila looked at her mom confused, how did she know this beautiful woman? Lauren, as her mom called her, wore a black skinny ripped jeans that was clearly dirty, her grey T-shirt had stains all over it. Was she homeless? Is her mother giving her a roof above her head? 

"Mrs Cabello, I put the tractor back in the garage." Lauren said as she eyed Camila suspiciously. "Thank you darling! Oh, this is my daughter Camila, Camila this is Lauren."

Camila looked at Lauren again, finally looking into her beautiful green eyes. Camila almost thought Lauren would suck her away in her own world. 

"Hello Camila," Lauren offered Camila a hand, that Camila only looked at, "I heard a lot about you from your mother."

"I did not about you, I'm sorry." Camila said and looked at her mother whom was smirking at her daughter. Lauren pulled her hand back and wiped her sweaty palms on her dirty jeans, cursing that she didn't cleaned herself before coming in.

"Camila, darling, Lauren is only trying to be friendly." Her mother said as she gave a sad smile. Camila shrugged her shoulders, "I'm gonna look for dad and Dan."

Dan? Lauren thought, that must be her boyfriend or husband. Lauren thought Camila was beautiful. Her brown locks falling down over her shoulders. Her chocolate brown eyes that told a story and she had a body to die for. Lauren bit on her lip as she watched Camila walk out of the living room.

"Your daughter is very... interesting Mrs Cabello." Lauren said carefully, hurt that Camila and her couldn't talk more. It was clear that Camila didn't like Lauren.

"Oh darling, don't worry. She's having a hard time at the moment, she will come around soon."

Lauren sighed deeply as she sipped on her black coffee.

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