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Camila walked in the kitchen with sleepy eyes as she noticed the green eyed girl standing behind the stove.


Lauren turned around and smiled, "Good morning Camila! Hope you slept well! I've made some eggs if you want some?"

Camila nodded eagerly, "Yes please, I'm starving." Camila said kind of embaressed.

Lauren put the egg on Camila plate and sat down in front of her. "Look Lauren, I know we didn't start good, mostly that was mine fault. But I am here and you are here and I want to make the best of it."

Lauren smiled as she drank some strong, black, coffee. "Me too Camila, I'm looking forward to tonight."

"Me too Lauren." Camila said softly and started to eat.

As they washed of the plates, the doorbell rang. Lauren opened the door as someone unknown stood in front of her.

"Hi?" Lauren said shy.

"What's up I'm Dinah Jane, is Mila here?" A blonde haired woman stood in front of Lauren, the woman -Dinah, was peeking into the house and when she heard a squeal she quickly pushed Lauren away and ran in the house.

"Mila! I missed you so much!!!" The blonde haired girl yelled and Camila screamed as she jumped on Dinah giving her a koala hug.

"Me too DJ. How are you? It's been what? 2 years since we've seen each other?"

Dinah scoffed and put Camila down, she wiped her hair back and brushed her hand over her shoulder. "It's a shame that you leave your best friend here alone in this miserable area."

"Ah c'mon Dinah..." Camila moaned, "I was so busy with Dan, work and Ariana. I couldn't make time to plan a trip here."

Dinah scoffed again and rolled her eyes as she walked in the kitchen, Camila following her like a puppy. "How is that bitch by the way?"

Lauren was sitting on the leather worn out couch, acting like she was reading the paper but actually she was listening to the conversation those two had.

"She deffinetly cheated on me with that Taylor chick. Her phone was blowing up."

"So you accidentally took her phone instead of yours and that's how you found out?"

Camila hummed, "That's why I'm here. I really needed a break from Ariana and work. I was really living on the edge. I got home from a stress full day at work and I had to take care of a child while Ariana was working late."

"Or maybe she was fucking some chick." Dinah pointed out.

"Or maybe she was fucking some chick." Camila mumbled and sighed. "I don't know what to do Dinah. I love Ariana, but I really can't forgive her this shit."

"Understandable." Dinah nodded and side hugged her best friend. "You know Mila, you should just fill in a divorce. Send the papers to her and stay here in Miami. I mean what the fuck was wrong with you even thinking about leaving Miami!"

Camila rolled her eyes for her dramatic friend, "I was in love Dinah, I couldn't help it."

"Well I'm fucking glad you're here. Now who was that hot girl opening the door and why are you not in a bed with her?"

"Dinah!" Camila scolded, "That's Lauren. My parents hired her to help around the house but mainly for the farm."

"She's fucking hot. Forget Ariana!" Dinah said as she scrolled through her phone.

"I can't just throw away a 8 year marriage like that Dinah Jane."

"Grow some balls Mila." Dinah put her phone back down and smiled, "Now where's Alejandro?"

After Dinah's way too long visit and dinner. Lauren and Camila were ready to leave to the bar.

Camila wore a fitting black dress that came half way her thighs. She hoped it was nothing too fancy. Camila is used to dress herself up mainly cause of her work. She quickly pulls on some black, low high heels and looked at herself for one more time in the mirror. She smiled softly before walking down the stairs.

As she walked in the livingroom, she could already see Lauren sitting on the couch next to Dan playing a video game on the playstation. When Camila cleared her throat, Lauren quickly stood up from the couch and walked towards Camila and smiled.

"Hi Camila." Lauren said, she wore a black skinny jeans with a white top that revealed some cleavage. Her hair was, as always, out of bed look and on her feet she was wearing some converse. Camila must admit that Lauren looked really good.

"Hey Lauren, I'm ready to leave."

"Where are you going mama?" Dan quickly ran to his mother and hugged her leg.

"Mommy is going for a drink with Laure." She said to her son as she picked him up. He frowned his eyebrows and looked at Lauren but quickly smiled before jumping into Lauren's arms. "That's okay ma, I like Lauren. Have fun!" Dan smiled and jumped of Lauren, moving back to his game.

When Lauren and Camila wanted to step in the car, Camila mom came running after them. "Mi ángel, be carefull. Don't drink and drive."

Camila rolled her eyes. She's thirty years old for Gods sake, she knows how to be responsible.

"Have fun mija." Sinu said with a wink. Camila frowned her eyes as she got in the car.

When they arrived at the bar and Lauren ordered the first round, Camila saw a couple of familiar faces. But she didn't knew them enough to go and talk to them. Camila quickly grabbed her phone of her purse and saw she had a missed call from Ariana. She sighed and locked the phone throwing it in her purse.

"What's up? Wife calling?" Lauren joked and chuckled softly.

Camila laughed awkward and hummed softly.
"How old are you Lauren?" Camila asked curiously.

"I'm 25 Camila and you?"

"I'm thirty." Camila said as she giggled, "That's a big difference."

Lauren chuckled and sipped from her beer nervously, "well yeah but that doesn't mean it's bad. Sometimes you need a younger or older friend."

Camila nodded and laughed, "That's true Lauren."

"Now tell me about yourself Camila." Lauren said softly but yet perfect hearable over the babbling people in the bar.

As the bartender practictly had to kick them out of the bar, Camila and Lauren walked down the road towards the Cabello farm.

"I'm so glad it's not that far away." Camila said as she hiccuped once, Lauren laughed.

"Nah, but I'm not as drunk as you though." Lauren teased.

"I'm not that drunk Lo, I just got hiccups."


"Yeah my little nickname for you."

"Hmm I like it." Lauren hummed as she holded Camila's hand.

As they arrived at the farm and Camila finally got the key into the lock. They could say goodbye to eachother.
As Camila turned back around, her back now facing the front door and her brown eyes starring into Lauren's.

"I had a great time Lauren."

"Me too Camila..." Lauren debated if it was correct to kiss Camila now, one Camila was drunk as hell. Two, she is her daughter's boss. And three, she's married for Christ sake. So Lauren innocently gave Camila a hug and a kiss on her flushed, hot cheek before turning around walking on the sand path to her cabine.

Camila was also debating on if she could kiss Lauren. Camila was scared that Lauren didn't liked her back like she liked her. And most importantly of course, Camila was still married to Ariana. But Camila wanted some danger, she felt spontaneous and quickly ran after Lauren.

"Lauren! Wait!"

The raven haired girl turned around right in front of the door to her cabine and Camila was panting from the running she did.

"What's wrong Camila, are you okay?" She asked concerned and Camila smiled, gosh Lauren was so sweet. How could Camila ever resist this. And while thinking that, Camila collided her lips with Lauren's.

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