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Camila sipped of her glass of white wine as Lauren spoke out, "So you wanted to talk about... us?" 

Camila put her glass down and smiled softly, "I do Lauren. You must have noticed, we are not taking things exactly slow and I wanted to ask you if this was all okay with you. Because we skipped a couple of steps."

"Oh I know what you're talking about Camz, we did indeed skip some steps. I met your parents even before I met you, talk about skipping steps." Lauren winked and they both laughed for a short time. "No Camz, seriously. I get what you're saying but if I wasn't okay with something I would deffinetly say it  to you. I'm really okay with us at this moment."

Camila smiled, "Really Lauren? I was thinking you wanted to take things slow?"

Lauren chuckled and holded Camila's hand above the table, "God Camz, how can I take things slow when you give me that irresistible smile." Lauren said as she winked at Camila who gave her that exact smile Lauren was talking about.

"God Lo, I really really like you, you know?"

"I really really like you too Camz." Lauren said and gave Camila a wink.


"So are we officially girlfriends now?" Lauren asked softly as she kissed Camila's neck. Camila hummed, still trying to catch her breath from her high. Camila pulled the white sheets over them snuggled up against Lauren, "Goodnight.... girlfriend." Camila said with a giggle and Lauren playfully rolled her eyes before switching of Camila's light on her night table. "Goodnight Camz."


Camila groaned softly before turning around in her bed, she frowned as she didn't felt Lauren's presence next to her. She opened her eyes and sat up, leaning on her elbows and let her eyes search for the raven haired woman in her room but frowned again as she noticed she really wasn't there anymore. 

"Mommy!" Her son's voice was heard from just outside her door. A soft knock was heard and Camila pulled the sheets higher and closer to her naked body. 

"Yes honey?" 

"Can I come in?" A doubtig voice was heard and Camila rolled her eyes playfully. "Come in Dan, what's going on?"

The creaking sound of the door opening was heard, the amazing smell of bacon filled Camila's nose and there he was. Her ten year old son was standing in the doorframe with a plateau with breakfast in his hands.

"Oh honey!" Camila sat up against the bed frame, making sure her body was covered enough. Her son put the plateau on Camila's bed. "Goodmorning mommy, Lauren and I made this for you." 

Someone who was clearing their throat was heard and Camila now noticed that Lauren was present, she was leaning against the doorframe. She was now looking at Dan with a stern gaze.

"Okay, mainly Lauren did the cooking" He mumbled and sat next to his mother on the bed. Camila laughed and ran her hands through his longer brown hair, "Thanks for helping with the breakfast Dan." She leaned towards her son and kissed him on the cheek. 

"Mommy are you.. naked?" Dan scrunched up his nose and made a disgusted face, "Eeeewwwww! Grandma mommy sleeps naked!!!" Dan yelled while he ran downstairs.

Lauren and Camila laughed, "Gladly you like it when I'm naked baby." Camila said with a wink and laughed.

"I like you, whatever you wear, whatever you say or do." Camila smiled adoring at Lauren and kissed her on the mouth and quickly deepened the kiss. Camila let the sheets fall down slowly so now her breasts were exposed. 

"OH MY GOD CAMREN!" The sounds of Dinah Jane's voice was heard.

"What a cockblock." Camila whispered and rolled her eyes.



I decided to end this story here! There will be an epilogue up today! Hope you liked this story and I hope you will also like my other Camren stories! :)

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