12 (Epilogue)

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Dinah stood next to Sinu, "Mama C, did you every thought operation Camren would fail?"

Sinu smiled as she watched the two woman in front of her exchanging rings. "With a captain like you Dinah? Not one time." Sinu whispered and winked at the blonde haired girl. Dinah thought for a moment and smiled, "You're right. We both knew they were made for each other."

Sinu laughed, "Everyone knew that. Even Daniel knew that." 

Dinah hummed, "That's a smart kid, definitely a Cabello."

Sinu smiled as she locked her eyes on the newly wed couple in fornt of her, now kissing. 


"Camz not here!" Lauren scolded in a whispered but Camila's hands were already pulling down Lauren's suit pants. 

"Why not baby? I'm so horny, God you looked so hot there!" Camila whispered and her fingers were pulling down Lauren's panties.

"God Camz, always so horny! I don't know what to do with you anymore."

Camila rolled her eyes and went down on her knees, "Don't say you don't love it Lo." Camila mumbled before her tongue met Lauren's folds. 

"Oh my fucking god!"

"You still are allowed to call me Camila, Lo."

"Fucking shit Camila!" Lauren moaned out.


Dinah was standing up, lifting up her champagne glass, ready to do her speech. "Yo! Where's Camren?" 

"God Dinah we're here!" Camila quickly said before sitting down on the chair next to Dinah, Lauren quickly following her newly wife.

"Why ya'll look like you just fucked?"

"Because we just did." Camila answered with a proud smirk. Dinah nodded approving at Camila before starting her speech.

"Now where do I start? Camila over here, always falls in love quickly and this time it wasn't different. Sure Camila was a bit distant from Lauren for the first days that they've met eachother. But what would you do if a hotter then hell woman is living with you parents?"

The people attending the wedding laughed softly and Dinah looked at Lauren and Camila, "Two years ago, Camila was just coming out of difficult relationship and Lauren was there to comfort her. And one thing lead to another and the end game was Camren. Thank God. As a proud captain of Camren, I ask you to raise your glass and bring out a toast. To Camren!"

"To Camren!" Everyone said in unison. 

Camila cleared her throat and clinged her spoon softly against her champagne glass, 

"I want to say something too. It wasn't always easy, I was for sure not the easiest person to start a relationship with. I had a son, I was divorcing and still, Lauren kept believing in me, in us. Lauren and I saw eachother everyday because she was working on my parents farm, seeing eachother everyday had a positive side but also a negative side. But we became stronger. Lauren was always there for me and I hope she knows that I'll always be there for her. Lauren's my soulmate, my everything. I really love you Lauren, I adore you." 

Family and friends clapped their hands and cheered on the couple. Camila leaned down, kissing Lauren softly. 

"I love you too Camz." Lauren whispered before their lips collided again.


Aaahh, amazing, a camren end game. Thanks for reading!

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