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Camila layed in her bed, reading her favorite book To kill a mockingbird. as she heard knocking on her door. "Come in." She yelled and sat up, leaning against the headboard.

The person forced the wooden door open as it creaks. It was her father.
"Camila, Lauren got your bags out of your car and put them here in the hallway."

"Thanks dad." Camila said shortly and grabbed her book from her nightstand.

"You should thank Lauren, Karla." Her dad said and she cringed at the name. "Dad you know I hate it when you call me Karla." Her dad rolled her eyes, "You heard me Camila. You should thank Lauren. Now, your mother is almost ready with the dinner and Lauren is happily joining us, so if you're hungry..."

"Thanks dad." Camila said annoyingly and rolled her eyes. Her dad winked at her before almost closing her bedroom door, leaving it slightly open.

When Camila walked downstairs she could already smell the lovely dinner her mother was making. Maybe it was only mac and cheese, but her mother was a queen in the kitchen. Camila never has eaten as good as she did at home with her mother. She walked in the kitchen sniffing around, "Hmm mom this smells heavenly." She says and walks towards her mother who just put the mac and cheese in the oven. She gave her mother a quick kiss on the cheek and turned around.

"Where's Dan and dad?" Camila asked as she didn't saw the guys around.

"They are outside with Lauren. Playing some soccer. You should call them to dinner dear." Camila made her way outside and took a step back as her dog, Leo jumped on her. Camila stroked him as she sat down, "Hi buddy!" Camila laughed as he licked her face and pushed him away slightly. "Still so much energy."

"Is Leo yours?" Camila quickly looked up from Leo into the emerald eyes. She cursed at herself for thinking she looked beautiful. Her dirty clothes now changed into some, still casual but clean clothing. A dark jeans with a black and white crop top.

Camila stood up and tried not to look into Lauren's eyes. "Yeah he's mine, but I couldn't take him home with me because my wife is allergic to dogs." Lauren's eyes sparkled and she smiled softly, "your wife?"

"Is that the only thing you remember from what I said?" Camila raised her eyebrows and looked at Lauren up and down.

"I-" Lauren started but couldn't finish her sentence because of Camila's father.

"Camila!" My father ran towards Lauren and Camila and smiled, "I got your son of his Ipad!" He smirked, "Now let's go eat, your mother has cooked wondefully." He said as he walked inside, Dan following close behind him.

"Mom! Lauren and I beated grandpa!" Dan said as he swallowed his food.

"That's great honey, I'm glad you had fun." Camila genuine smiled. She was happy for Dan that he could play with his granddad. Camila tries to be home for Dan when he gets home from school, but Ariana doesn't really care how much Dan sees her. Her wife works late and only sees him for one hour before he needs to sleep. Most of the time she's crancky or she's eating so she and Dan don't have that much quality time.

"Camila, I would like to take Dan with me tomorrow, if that's okay with you. Helping here around the farm you know. Cleaning a bit." Lauren suggests and Camila smiles, "That's fine by me Lauren. I'm glad he's off that addicting game." Camila laughed.

"So Lauren do you live for away from the farm?"

Her mother smiled softly but kept on looking down at her plate.
"No actually, I live on the farm in a small cabine."

"Lauren made it all by herself." Alejandro added and took a sip of his beer.

"I was really impressed by how much of a hard worker Lauren is. I'm so glad she stood by my door asking if I had a job." Sinu added and winked at Camila, whom frowned at her mother.

"I'm glad you gave me the chance Mrs. Cabello."

"Oh please call me Sinu!" Camila's mother said as she smiled at the raven black haired girl.

"Okay Sinu, the dinner was really good. Can I help with the cleaning?" Lauren offered politly as she stood up grabbing the plates of everyone and putting them near the sink.

"Oh darling that would be so sweet! Maybe Camila can help you, Alejandro and I have to watch this new TV show."

Camila eyed her mothrr suspiciously and stood up, helping Lauren doing the dishes.

Dan was already up in his room and the elder couple were sitting in their couches watching the tv novela. Spanish words from the tv show were heard in the kitchen.

"So Lauren from where are you?" Camila asked intrested as she dryed of the plates.

"Born and raised in Miami. But not really in this area." Lauren said as she placed a plate in front Camila. "My family didn't have lots of money so we lived in the bad area in Miami. But I saved money and left the apartment and ended up here with your parents." Camila nodded, telling Lauren to go on. "I heard they were looking for someone to help a little around the house and farm so I walked from the city to here."

Camila gasped, "That's a long trip."

"I know, but it was worth it. Your parents helped me a lot you know.."

Camila smiled. "Do you know the bar here? Not so far away from here?"

"No actually, usually after a day of work, I eat with your parents and then I go to the cabine to sleep."

Camila nodded, "Let me take you there tomorrow Lauren. We should have a beer or some cocktail and tell your story."

Lauren laughed, "I want to hear your story too Camila." Lauren winked and placed the plates in the cabinet.

"I'll see you tomorrow than?" Lauren asked and Camilla confirmed by a nod, "I'll see you tomorrow."

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