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Lauren was standing in the kitchen making a sandwich for herself. Camila smirked and walked over to Lauren quietly. She wrapped her arms around Lauren's waist and leaned close to her.

Lauren gasped, "Relax it's me Lo." Camila whispered in Lauren's ear and leaned her head on her shoulder. Lauren quickly relaxed and turned her body around so they were now facing each other. Camila smirked and let her hands travel up and down over Lauren's arms. 

"You want to continue yesterday?" Camila asked with a lifted eyebrow and a smirk playing on her lips.  "Continue? We didn't even start anything."

"Than we should quickly start something Lo." Camila whispered and leaned in, her lips hovering over Lauren's lips.

"Mooooo-ooooommm??!!" Camila let her head fall on Lauren's shoulder and wined, Lauren chuckled and softly slapped on her back, "Duty is calling Camz."

Camila kissed Lauren softly and let her tongue slip into Lauren's warm mouth. She moaned and pushed Lauren down on the blanket. Lauren leaned out, "Camz what if the-"

"No one can disturb us up here Lo." They were upstairs in the barn, lying on a blanket behind a hay bale because the room was open. Camila leaned in again and kissed Lauren again, her hands tugging at Lauren's black T-shirt. Lauren lifted her body up and sat straight up, Camila quickly pulled out Lauren's T-shirt and pushed her back down. Camila kissed Lauren's neck and sucked on her pulse point, making Lauren moan loudly.

"Hello?" A low, raspy voice was heard from downstairs. Lauren gasped loudly and pushed Camila of her. 

"Shut up Lauren." She scolded whispering and unhooked Lauren's bra, following by pushing her back down on the blanket. Lauren moaned loudly as Camila sucked on Lauren's nipples and Camila was too late to cover Lauren's mouth with her hand.


Camila looked pleading to Lauren but Lauren sighed, "Yes sir? I'm cleaning up!" Lauren said as she quickly put on her shirt and walked downstairs. 

Mr. Cabello smiled, "I'm sorry to interupt Lauren, but have you seen Camila? She's not in the house."

"I'm sorry Mr. Cabello but I haven't seen her yet today." He smiled softly, "It's okay Lauren."

"We keep on getting interupted." Camila whispered in Lauren's ear and groaned as Lauren finished baking the potatoes and putting them in a oven dish.

"I know Camz." Lauren sighed and put some thyme sprigs on the potatoes. 

Camila looked around in the kitchen and kissed Lauren's neck softly, "Come to my room tonight at 2 am." She whispered in Lauren's ear. Lauren shivered and smiled, "I'll be there Camz."

Camila felt like a teenager. But she needed Lauren, she craved for her touch. Camila was wearing a red lace, revealing bra with a matching red, lace thong underneath her black silk robe. Camila sat on her bed, waiting for Lauren.

At 2 am, a soft knock was heard on Camila's door. Lauren tried to open the creaking door quietly and groaned softly as it creaked loudly. Lauren looked behind her, but no one woke up from it. As Lauren walked in Camila's bedroom, a small light was on on her nightstand, Camila lied down on the bed. "Camz...?" Lauren whispered softly and tried to see if Camila was awake. "Camila?" Lauren asked a little louder, as Lauren was finally by the bed she noticed Camila was sleeping. Lauren smiled lovely and kissed Camila's cheek softly before she lied down next to her, her arms wrapping around Camila's small body.

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