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Lauren leaned against the door frame and smiled as she saw Camila and her Dan coloring together. 

"Ma! You're coloring outside the lines!" 

Camila scoffed with a smirk, "No I am not Daniel!"

Dan laughed and leaned back in the wooden chair and threw his crayon on the table.

"Mom, I have a question." Daniel asked as he played nervously with his fingers. Lauren thought a moment about leaving, but she was too curious. Maybe this was about her and she was curious about what Camila thought of her. Or maybe it was about Ariana. 

"Are you and mommy having a divorce?" He asked now his arms crossed over his chest.

Camila sighed and leaned closer to her son and forced his hand in hers, "Daniel, your mommy and I don't get along very well anymore and we aren't on the same line anymore."

"Because you guys aren't getting along anymore, you are having a divorce? Mom that's bullshit."

"Daniel Cabello! Language!" Camila raised her voice. Dan sighed and mumbled a soft "Sorry". "I just want a family mom. And I want mommy to be a part of that too."

Camila sighed, "That's the problem Dan, your mom doesn't want to be a part of our family. She only wants to work and make a career. We don't have the same priorities."

Dan sighed and nodded softly, "I love you mom." he said and gave Camila a hug.

Camila closed her eyes and a tear fell down her cheek, "I love you too baby."

Lauren smiled and quickly walked out of the room, back to the farm.

"Lauren Jauregui." Camila's voice was heard in the barn. Lauren quickly turned around to see Camila standing in front of her. Wearing a cute, short floral dress. 

"Camila Cabello." Lauren winked and smiled, "What's up, everything okay?"

"Besides that my son just asked me about Ariana, yup everything okay."

Lauren nodded, "You know Camila, you need to be honest with your son. He's a smart kid."

Camila sighed, "I know, I was being honest..." she said softly and took a step closer towards her. "And all of this crap made me realise something Lauren."

Lauren and Camila stood now face to face, brown eyes looking into green ones. Lauren breath softly hitting Camila's soft lips.

"It made me realise that I... I want to be with you Lo." Camila spoke softly and looked at her feet. 

"Be with me?"

"Yeah, maybe only for my stay here or maybe like... forever. I really like you."

"Forever?" Lauren smiled, "That's very official Camila." Camila looked up and smiled softly, "You know what I mean Lo." 

"OH MY GOD OUR SHIP IS SAILING!" A loud voice was heard from outside, Camila and Lauren quickly looked towards the opening of the barn and saw Sinu and Dinah standing behind a hay bale. Sinu now having her hands covering Dinah's mouth.

"Looks like we weren't alone here..." Lauren chuckled and walked over to Dinah and Sinu.

"...Sadly." Camila whispered and followed Lauren.

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